Changes at Wittur, Schmersal, MVT

Wittur: Marx Interim CEO as Wohlhauser Steps Down

Patrik Wohlhauser and the supervisory board of The Wittur Group have mutually agreed to part ways, with Gerrit Marx, an operating partner at Bain Capital, filling the CEO role held by Wohlhauser since Wittur’s merger with Sematic in spring 2016 (ELEVATOR WORLD, October 2015). Marx has been responsible for Wittur since Bain Capital invested in the company more than two years ago. He has been released of his duties at Bain as it searches for the ideal CEO candidate. Marx held top positions at Volkswagen and Daimler Trucks prior to joining Bain, and boasts a wealth of management experience and elevator-industry expertise. Wittur stated it “remains fully committed to its strategy and future expansion plans following the successful integration of Sematic.”

Ambros New Managing Director of Schmersal

Wuppertal, Germany-based K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. has appointed Michael Ambros managing director. In this new role, Ambros is responsible for the Administration and Sales & Marketing divisions globally, while Managing Director Michael Mandel runs the technical divisions. Schmersal’s management team now consists of Ambros, Mandel and co-managing shareholders Heinz and Philip Schmersal. An Economics graduate, Ambros spent many years in a senior position over corporate finance at a leading international management consultancy. He has extensive management experience in a wide array of industries in Europe and beyond, including in the U.S. and Russia. He has managed company sales and acquisitions, handled complex accounting issues and been involved in transitioning a company from private to public. He also built a successful outsourcing unit in India. Ambros stated:

“It is important to me to improve our company’s standing in international markets even further. We need to reinforce cooperation within the Schmersal Group and utilize existing synergies to stand our ground among international competition and remain an important partner to our customers.”

MVT Appoints Three Managers

Sylvain Mongrain, founder and president of Mongrain Vertical Transport, Inc. (MVT) of Grandes-Piles, Canada, has appointed three new managers. Jimmy Boissonneault, P.Eng., is Engineering manager, overseeing engineering and design functions and implementing policies, codes, standards and procedures related to existing and future products. Eduardo Pena Chiang is Estimating manager, responsible for standard and nonstandard complete packages in new and existing markets. Luis Hernandez, P.Eng., is Contract Engineering procurement manager, focusing on maximizing efficiency of the Contract Engineering Group and acting as a liaison among the Sales, Engineering and Purchasing departments.

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