Elevator World’s 25th Annual Project of the Year

Elevator World’s 25th Annual Project of the Year

Winning entries showcase engineering ingenuity, technology and challenges overcome.

Project of the Year time is always an exciting one around the ELEVATOR WORLD offices, and this year, marking the contest’s silver anniversary, is no exception. Global OEMs and independents from Europe to North America submitted projects that describe in intricate, colorful detail vertical (and horizontal and inclined) transportation systems that go above and beyond and deliver impressive, finished products to their clients — from homeowners to federal governments to major corporations. Judging was difficult this year, with projects in a few categories separated by only a few points. As in past years, winning projects achieved records — fastest, first, largest, etc. In addition to engineering ingenuity, these projects incorporate the latest new and emerging technologies to optimize efficiency (both in terms of energy and building operations), safety and performance. They reflect challenges overcome, whether it was working deep underground, in a fully occupied building, around ultra-strict COVID-19 protocols or with limited to no storage space. Teamwork, many winners say, was critical. One project involved engineering and technical experts from 12 countries. Another involved precise coordination with contractors, suppliers, vendors and the various divisions of a major transit authority. The winning projects themselves are in London; Sydney; Hong Kong SAR; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Algeciras, Spain; Panora, Iowa; Washington, D.C.; Toronto; and KwaMashu, South Africa. Companies that submitted them are based in Germany, Greece, Switzerland; and the U.S. Midwest and Northeast. Each winning project is a standout. We congratulate all the winners and urge you to submit your projects to the 2024 contest at Project of The Year. The submission deadline is September 30, 2023. The transportation-system portion of the project must have been completed within two years of the opening of the contest (April 2023). 

Since 1953, Elevator World, Inc. has been the premier publisher for the global vertical transportation industry. It employs specialists in Mobile, Alabama, and has technical and news correspondents around the world.

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