Hyundai Elevator Offers Free Inspections for 10-Plus-Year-Old Elevators in Korea

image courtesy of Hyundai Elevator

Hyundai Elevator recently announced it will provide free services to elevators more than 10 years old installed in Korea regardless of manufacturer, Maeil Business Newspaper reports. Hyundai Elevator will mobilize high-tech inspection equipment such as thermal imaging cameras, vibration meters, noise meters and rope meters for this free inspection. This campaign was designed to prevent accidents in winter and establish a safe elevator operation culture. According to the Korea Elevator Safety Authority, out of 867,719 lifts installed in Korea as of September, 269,874 lifts were older than 15 years, accounting for 31.4% of the total. With the revision of the Elevator Safety Management Act in 2019, old elevators more than 15 years old are subject to precision safety diagnosis every three years, but elevator safety accidents are still occurring.

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