Vision 21: A Look to the Future

Design Challenges of High-Speed Elevators

This article is an excerpt from ELEVATOR WORLD’s July 1995 issue. We believe it is pertinent as background information to the challenges of designing high-speed elevators for very tall buildings....

Pressurizing the Cars of High-Speed Express Elevators

The possibility of pressurizing elevator cars in high-speed express elevators is often mentioned in articles about express elevators for tall buildings. “A New World’s Fastest: Shanghai Tower” (ELEVATOR WORLD India,...

Time for a Change

This article is a follow up to “Articulated Funiculator: The Sky Subway” (ELEVATOR WORLD, August 2013) and the first in the Vision 21 series. …Editor by Fritz King, Mats Lundström,...

image by Crissa for Pixabay

U.S. Office Closing for Weather

Elle-evator Logo

CECA’s Elle-evator Women’s Group Plans Virtual Meeting


Schindler Names Ming as Interim BoD Chairman

The new panoramic elevator; image courtesy of Ascensores Embarba

Elevator Brings Accessibility to Southern Spain Municipality

The Muskingum County courthouse in Zanesville, Ohio; photo by Tristan Blatt for Wikipedia

Ohio Courthouse to Get New Elevator