11th International Seminar on Elevators and Escalators

11th International Seminar on Elevators and Escalators
Eng. Ememirad (left) chairs the first-ever expert panel to be held during the Iran symposium.

Event brings experts, professors, industrialists and foreign guests together.

by Mohammad Masoud Majidifar

The 11th International Seminar on Elevators and Escalators was held with the cooperation of the University of Applied Science and Technology and Iran’s union of elevator, escalator and affiliated services with the presence of academic staff and industrialists at Koosha International Center of Applied Science and Technology on February 24. The seminar was held with the presence of Dr. Fathian, the manager of the educational testing department of the University of Applied Science and Technology; and Eng. Abbas Abrishami, the manager of Iran’s union of elevator, escalator and affiliated services; as well as experts, professors, industrialists and foreign guests. 

During the opening ceremony, Dr. Sajadi, the educational deputy of Koosha College, thanked the outstanding industrialists, professors, foreign guests and sponsors for their presence and declared that, once again, the group utilized elevator industry knowledge to achieve its goals for the 11th time, and that the group respected the industrialists and professors for their work and attendance despite tough economic circumstances. 

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Attendees listen to a presentation
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Koosha College Managers give an Iranian souvenir to Murat Camgöz, MENA managing director of Fermator, for his presentation.

Dr. Sajadi said, “Countries don’t progress unless they increase wealth in their communities, and gaining wealth is due to the strong relationship between industry and university.” She added that the seminar secretariat had received more than 42 articles and the experts’ panel on the position of Iranian elevators in competition with imported elevators that would be held for the first time in Iran.

Then, Eng. Abrishami, union of elevator, escalator and affiliated services’ manager, gave a talk on the elevator industry and the necessity of precise planning for projects. He emphasized the support of training centers to develop education in this area. Finally, he analyzed the union strategy toward empowerment and skill growth in the industry. 

After presenting a video clip, Dr. Fathian mentioned the weakness of university-industry relations, emphasizing the university-industry role in country development. He mentioned that holding these symposiums and seminars helps improve this relationship, and that more attention should be paid to technicians for advancement. 

Mahdi Abdollahpour
Mahdi Abdollahpour

After that, Dr. Abdollahpour, the vice president of Tehran Metro Company, presented his article on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) smart making. He investigated the sensors, micro switches, traditional TPM and smart TPM. 

Then, Eng. Murat Camgöz, the managing director of Fermator in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region, presented, as the first international lecturer, a speech on landing and cabin doors. In his article, he mentioned that there are problems with elevator defects in high-rise buildings that can lead to falls, getting stuck, etc. Also, he gave his presentation on new standards and significant matters relevant to manufacturing high-quality products for exportation. 

Then, the unveiling ceremony of two books was held. Eng. Shahram Mardomi gave a talk on the books, which are about elevator and escalator installation and TPM.

After the break, Dr. Ehteshami, a manager at Tehran Metro Company, presented his article on the signs and indicators for escalator safety improvement. Also, he explained escalator history and the various types. 

Following this, Eng. Heydari, chairman of Basij Trades Chamber, analyzed the role of industry-university relations in industry advancements. 

Mahdi Mottaghi
Mahdi Mottaghi

Then, Eng. Mahdi Mottaghi, gave a presentation on his article on the Iran elevator industry’s competitiveness. He investigated elevator parts, customs and, considering wages in Iran, China and Europe, he analyzed the reasons for the lack of competitiveness of Iranian products. 

Next, Eng. Nafe Moradkhani gave a talk on his article from France. The article was about elevator traffic simulation. He presented his article on Skype. 

After that, Eng. Tavakolipoor, one of the elevator companies’ managers, gave a talk on the encoder remove and elevator position calculations by FAST software. 

Then, Eng. Razmavar gave a presentation on shaft efficiency calculation and motor power and its effective parameters. 

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Elahe Porsun presents the event’s program.
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Kosha College Managers give a plaque to speaker Shahram Mardomi.

After this, the best industrialists were introduced and given the badge of honor. 

Next, an expert panel on the position of Iranian elevators in competition with imported elevators was held for the first time in Iran. Eng. Ememirad was chairman of the panel, and the engineers and experts discussed the topic. Also, representatives from different areas of expertise, such as interior production, importation, standard and human resource management, were present for the panel. Its goal was the comparison of elevator production in Iran and elevator importation, and also to analyze business plans and economic feasibility. 

At the seminar, qualified articles were presented in the convention hall. Forty-two articles had been sent to the seminar secretariat, and 10 articles were accepted, according to the scientific committee’s judgment. Out of the 10 accepted articles, seven were presented at the convention hall during the event. 

At the end, commendation letters were bestowed to all foreign guests, elevator companies, elevator and escalator industry experts, outstanding professors from Koosha College in the field of elevators and presenters of the best articles. During the seminar, Mr. Moghanian, who passed away last year, was honored as one of the best instructors in the elevator industry. 

During this seminar, 13 elevator corporations participated as exhibitors. 

To end the event, all participants were invited to the 12th International Seminar on Elevators and Escalators, scheduled for February 23-24, 2023. 

Also read: Iran Seminar a Showcase for Global VT Perspectives

Mohammad Masoud Majidifar

Mohammad Masoud Majidifar

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