ASSDER Management Meets with Elevator Installer Employers in Uşak


Elevator Industrialists’ Association (ASSDER) Chairman Turgay Kuluğ and Board Member Demircan meets with 18 employers that have official service adequacy certificates in Uşak on June 4, 2022.

 At the meeting hosted by Uşak Chamber of Electricians, President Turgay Kuluğ explained the activities of the association in detail and gave information about the importance and benefits of industrial organization throughout Türkiye. At the end of the meeting, the number of ASSDER members became 332 with the full membership of all certified companies in Uşak.

Kuluğ stated that similar meetings will be held in other cities, and concluded the meeting by saying, “The ground for unionization has improved under the roof of ASSDER. I would again like to state that the necessary steps for the commencement of the process will be taken in the near future.”

Elevator World Turkey and Middle East: Managing Director

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