Crescent Tower

Crescent Tower

Elevators, Modernization

Location: U.A.E.

Date of Completion: April 2010

Submitted by: Begoña Flores

Project Description

Located on the corniche of Sharjah, U.A.E., the Crescent Tower was built in 1996 as an office building. Today, the 22-story building houses major oil and gas company offices. Before modernization of the building’s previous elevators, tenants were experiencing long wait times in the morning during peak travel times. Additionally, the elevators did not conform to the latest safety standards, and therefore had to be updated. One of the main obstacles was the building structure itself. In order to transport the lift material, it had to be lifted to a height of 100 m to the top of the building with a mobile crane. The ultimate result offered safe and reliable elevators and a significant improvement in traffic performance.


  • Three passenger elevators with a rated load of 1150 kg, speed up to 3 mps, travel up to 80 m and 22 stops
  • One service/fire elevator with a rated load of 1600 kg, speed up to 3 mps, travel up to 80 m and 22 stops
  • Regenerative controllers: TCM MC1 with CPI 60/CPI 100R
  • Gearless drives: permanent-magnet motors
  • Door operators with closed-loop technology
  • LCD direction and position indicators
  • Custom finished cladding
  • Completely new car interiors
  • Automatic rescue device
  • Compliance with EN 81-80 requirements


Owner: Emirates-NBD

Architect: Khatib & Alami

Project Manager: Tim Rose, Michael McCauley (Emirates-NBD)

Equipment Manufacturer: ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke/ ThyssenKrupp Elevator USA

Project Manager: Thorsten Elsaesser (ThyssenKrupp Elevator U.A.E.)

Site Coordinator: John Easow (ThyssenKrupp Elevator UAE)

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