Custom lifts for a Dubai factory and a tower approval in Jerusalem

Mixed-use tower planned in Jerusalem; image by Pei, Cobb, Freed & Partner

German Firm Provides Freight Lifts to Dubai Production Facility

Germany’s Lödige Industries GmbH announced in May that it provided a pair of 1000-lb-capacity SHERPA freight lifts to the new production facility of Emper Perfumes and Cosmetics in Dubai’s Technoparc Dubai. The custom lifts transport raw materials to the mezzanine floor for production. Installation spanned only three weeks, Lödige observes. The units feature stainless-steel walls and platforms, which provide “hygienic, non-porous surfaces,” are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and easy to clean. Emper’s new factory positions it to leverage the growing Middle East/Africa fragrance market. “After being able to see the SHERPA model in another warehouse in Dubai, we decided to purchase a specialized version, because it matches our process and quality requirements perfectly,” Emper partner Khalil Ahmad Diab said.

Hexagon-Shaped Tower With Public Space for Jerusalem

Officials in Jerusalem have approved a plan for a project on the site of energy-company offices at Hillel Street and Hamatmid Alley that includes a 30-story, hexagon-shaped, mixed-use tower, Globes reported in May. Designed by architect Ian Bader of Pei, Cobb, Freed & Partners, the tower includes 250 apartments on the upper floors with commercial and office space below. Seven floors are to be added to an existing building. From developers Canaan Heights Ltd. and Sabergit Holdings Ltd., the plan is big on public space, with two kindergartens, 350 m2 of public-service facilities (including a mother and baby clinic) and 1,210 m2 for community use.

KONE Wins Awards at Red Dot Design Competition

KONE’s DX Class elevators won awards at the Red Dot: Product Design 2020 competition, the company announced in May. The Red Dot Design Award, which began in 1955, is one of the world’s largest and most recognized design competitions, drawing more than 18,000 entrants and more than 6,500 products. While the DX Class is a complete system (ELEVATOR WORLD, February 2020), “elevator interior collection” and “digital experience elevator concept” were honored for outstanding design features, innovativeness and smart elements in the new categories, “Innovative Products” and “Smart Products.” The company launched the DX Class in 2019, touting it as “the world’s first digital elevator series.” It comes standard with built-in connectivity and features design, technology, materials, apps and services that KONE says “brings a new user experience to life.” For example, materials are designed to meet green building criteria of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and feature anti-scratch and antibacterial surfaces. The elevators support advanced dynamic displays and sound and lighting systems that improve the cars’ ambiance. The DX Class debuted in Europe and will be introduced to other regions beginning this year.

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