Elevator Operation and Maintenance Guide Has Been Amended


Regulation on the Amendment of the Elevator Operation and Maintenance Guide has been published in the Official Gazette No. 31538, published on July 11, 2021, and entered into force.

According to the amendment, an installer or its authorized service provider whose TSE Service Competence Certificate has been suspended or canceled by the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) will be unable to provide maintenance, repair and service for elevators. Additionally, the installer or authorized service, the building supervisor or property owners, service personnel and the elevator constructor will be imposed an administrative fine specified in the first paragraph of Article 6 of Law No. 1705. However, the administrative fine specified in the first sentence will not be applied if the building supervisor or property owners are not registered as specified in the provisional clause 1. The administrative fine imposed will have to be paid within one month following the notification.

Additionally, the installer who does not apply for registration or does not register the elevator within the specified period will be imposed an administrative fine specified in Law No. 7223. The installer or its authorized service who do not meet the requirements of aftersales services and authorized service will be imposed an administrative fine specified in the Law No. 1705.

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