Finally Made It
May 25, 2022

After three years apart, International Asansör Istanbul guests gather once again.
The 17th International Asansör Istanbul, an event organized by Tarsus Turkey with the support of Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Association (AYSAD), was held March 10-13 at TUYAP in Istanbul, with a number of manufacturers, suppliers and interested countries making the rounds.
In Istanbul, it rarely snows for four consecutive days of March. Although such an extraordinary natural event took place, affecting some businesses negatively, the exhibition attracted a great deal of attention. With the snow forcing the schools closed and keeping people from hitting the roads with their private cars, the traffic in the mega city was smoother and faster, compared to normal days. Asansör Istanbul, one of the three leading lift exhibitions, has been the first international trade fair held in-person after a break of three years. Despite the unfavorable weather conditions, in addition to the pandemic, Asansör Istanbul saw an increase of 16% international guests, with visitors from 111 countries.
A total of 345 international and local exhibitors showcased their smarter, safer and faster elevator technologies. Held at Tüyap Beylikdüzü Exhibition and Congress Center, the event was visited by a total of 22,348 people, with 6,672 of them being international visitors. Some of the guests, particularly from Middle East and Gulf countries, expressed pleasure with the snow.
Industrial Meeting at International Asansör
Thanks to Asansör İstanbul 2022, all shareholders of the elevator and escalator sector met under the same roof, as it was in the previous 16 events. According to the report for the exhibition, elevator installation companies, contractors and maintenance companies paid close attention to Asansör Istanbul at 38%, followed by equipment manufacturers at 18%, contracting and construction companies at 14%, and elevator component suppliers at a rate of 13%. Project, architecture, engineering and consultancy companies, building managers, building owners, elevator users, certification bodies, public institutions, academicians and consultants made up the rest of the attendants.
Aytemur Starting Work for Next Year’s Exhibition
The event started with the opening ceremony held at the foyer area. Tarsus Turkey Managing Director Zekeriya Aytemur spoke of Asansör Istanbul, which has been held since 1992, though it was recently shut down due to the pandemic. Zytemur noted this year has been the first international exhibition held after three years, saying, “Within the 30 years since 1992, the growth of the sector and the growth of the exhibition has triggered each other and ensured a geometric growth.”
Targıt: I Trust in the Dynamism
AYSAD President Sefa Targıt acknowledging the participants, noted, “We now witness the 17th opening of this exhibition, which is certainly a great success.” He noted that the event is also AYSAD’s 50th anniversary, with an exhibition that coincides with interesting developments. He said that AYSAD would not be making important meetings simultaneously with the exhibition, mainly because of possible pandemic problems. He blamed the illness situation as weakening the work situation and, as a result, the board lost “our employees in occupational accidents.”
Turkish Machinery Federation Leader: Be Open to Criticism
Turkish Machinery Federation (MAKFED) Chairman Adnan Dalgakıran said being open to criticism and self-criticism will improve progress. “We already progress. Standing at a single point is impossible because nothing stops on Earth,” he said, noting that the industry market has seen changes over five years that pushed a change in the industry. The main thing, he said, is for interested parties to “get out of comfort zones” by moving forward.
Other Opinions
European Lift Association (ELA) Chairman Roberto Zappa, speaking online, offered his best wishes about the exhibition, and said Asansör Istanbul is one of the most influential international exhibitions for elevators. He congratulated the 50th anniversary of ELA member AYSAD, emphasizing that AYSAD is one of the most prestigious members of the union. Zappa remarked that innovation and research are the most important factors for reaching success in global markets.
He was followed by Industry and Technology Deputy Minister Hasan Büyükdede, who said, “The Turkish elevator industry accelerated after the 1950s, and instead of being a sector that meets the needs through imports, has become a sector based on elevator installation and component manufacturing.” Büyükdede noted that to globally match technological developments, “domestic production should be improved in sectors that are directly related to all segments of the society, such as elevator and escalator industry.”
Exhibitors Showcased
Many companies showcased their new products at the exhibition and, with hundreds of components shared from different categories, such as package elevators, residential and commercial building elevators, hospital elevators, indoor elevators, personal carriers, scissor lifts, freight and service elevators, escalators and moving walks. Among them:
Arkel, the leading brand of the sector in control system manufacturing, introduced a new product, Armax. Company officials praised the design as ideal for faster and larger elevators.
AH&MET Asansör, the supplier of package elevators and equipment and manufacturer of cabin, control systems, semi- and full-automatic doors, suspension and frame, promoted its “triangle” elevator. Company officials said it is the first such design that covers 1/3 chain, three landing and cabin doors at each floor, six weight rails and three main rails, all operating with one machine.
Prolift Asansör, which manufactures package elevator systems, promoted central and telescopic landing and cabin doors with two to six panels, cabin, control panel, suspension, weight frame and machine frame, with an increased product range in its new product rolled rail. Officials said the new products provide convenience during installation because guide means are not used. Additionally, there is no need to attach it to the shaft sections with extra console — simply intertwine the device.
Prolift invited guests and celebrities as the company celebrated reaching its 20th anniversary. The event was held at Kalikratya Restaurant in Büyükçekmece, and Prolift’s Bahtiyar Karakoç cut the celebration cake for his family and acknowledged guests.

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