Inelex 2012 in Izmir, Turkey


Details of the Inelex 2012 Eighth Lift and Lift Technologies Fair held on May 25-27

On May 25-27, the Inelex 2012 Eighth Lift and Lift Technologies Fair in Turkey united sector professionals from around the world. Tens of thousands visited the Inelex International Fair in Izmir, where 134 companies of the sector exhibited passenger and goods lifts, in addition to escalators, components and services. Organized by Efor Fair Organization with the support of ASGEP (Elevators Industry Platform), EAYSAD (Aegean Elevator and Escalator Industry Association), EBSO (Aegean Region Chamber of Industry), IZTO (Izmir Chamber of Commerce) and KOSGEP (Small and Medium-Sized Industry Development and Support Organization), the expo focused on the latest industry technology.

The fair’s Director General Nuray Eyigele said the commercial deals that took place and trends viewed at the expo exceeded organizers’ expectations. She added that in addition to global technology showcases, Inelex 2012 also saw summits on updating supervision principles in industry codes and other discussions, some of which included both domestic and international producers and suppliers of elevator parts, elevator contractors, architects, engineers, real-estate investors, government officials, building managers and academicians. Professionals represented 71 cities, mostly from the Turkish provinces Izmir, Istanbul, Ankara, Manisa, Konya, Kayseri, Antalya, Aydın, Bursa, Karabük, Denizli, Sakarya, Kocaeli and Balikesir. Purchase committees (particularly from Germany, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Morocco, Georgia, Holland, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Macedonia, Moldova, Egypt, South Korea, Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria) placed orders and showed interest for future business at the event.

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