It’s All About Relationships

It’s All About Relationships
FabACab interior project

In this Readers’ Platform, your author discusses how FabACab delivers its patented elevator interior system with the goal of ensuring customers get exactly what they need.

by Mandy Mills

When choosing a certain store to shop at or restaurant to dine in, what comes to mind first? Is it the great prices and daily deals? Or is it that it’s extremely convenient because it’s only a few blocks or a short drive from work or home? Or maybe it’s not the cheapest or closest place, but it provides the best customer experience, and you know that no matter what issue you have, you’re going to be able to speak to someone who is polite, listens to what you need and will do whatever they can to help you. 

We are living in a world with vast options for pretty much everything from toothbrushes and shower curtains to types of pasta and yogurt, and yes, even elevator interiors. Great prices and convenience are definitely a plus, but who wants to save a couple bucks if they have to spend extra time, energy and, potentially, money if the product breaks, looks bad or doesn’t work right later on? In most cases, from my own personal experience, it seems like companies have thrown out endless options and overpromised (or made empty promises?) at the expense of proper customer service. 

When FabACab started eight years ago, we knew there were tons of companies offering elevator interiors. After months of speaking with mechanics, operations managers and sales representatives, we found there was room for improvement within the industry. We built our product and services around that feedback: to simplify the process from design to installation and provide our customers with a better overall experience. One of our core values is at the epicenter of that experience: Love people. 

Our values, which also include remaining grateful, working hard and having fun, help us provide customers with best-in-class products and service. The most repeated reason we hear our customers say they choose us to partner with them on cabs is because they love working with us and the high level of customer service they receive. From design sessions to our online studio, we let customers control the process and offer a helping hand if they need assistance or guidance. Depending on the design, we may not be the least expensive option, but our customers know that we are never just “selling” to them, but that ultimately, we are building a relationship and have their team’s and clients’ best interests at heart. 

It’s All About Relationships
FabACab interior project

We know elevator interiors are a huge investment, so we are consistently educating our customers to help them provide the best interior solutions for their clients’ needs. We are not just a “vendor” but more like a right-hand man for each of our customers — a partner in every step of the process. During the design phase, property visits and customer design sessions allow us to use our expertise to see, listen, evaluate and make recommendations that will provide the best return on investment. Our dedicated Customer Experience Manager Sonya Haskett keeps our customers looped in from production through shipping to ensure clear and transparent communication throughout the duration of the project.

Communication is another important aspect that can either make or break a customer’s experience. We have heard complaints from our customers about other vendors taking a week or longer to respond to emails or return a phone call, leaving them feeling ignored and unimportant. We dedicate ourselves to making sure we get back to customers in a timely manner so they feel heard and taken care of. In fact, FabACab has a 24-h communication guarantee, including our support hotline that’s open 24 h a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. 

I recently had lunch with a customer after a site review for eight cabs, and he asked me, “Are you part owner of the company?” I was a little surprised by the question, but then he responded that I seemed like someone who was really invested in the company because I was so knowledgeable, and he appreciated that I had come to look at the cabs so quickly. I was immediately humbled and grateful to have received that kind of feedback. It was a wonderful indication that he felt the love we strive to provide to our customers every day. 

Centrally located in Anderson, Indiana, FabACab has representatives in every major market and maintains satellite locations in New York, Chicago and Memphis, Tennessee. 

Mandy Mills

Mandy Mills

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<p><strong>Mandy Mills</strong> has served as East Coast sales representative for FabACab since 2015. Her experience in sales and communication has given her the expertise to foster valuable client relationships and produce elevator solutions that keep her clients ahead of the game. Mills is a graduate of Ball State University. </p>
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