Making an Impact

Making an Impact

Wittur publishes inaugural Sustainability Report.

submitted by Wittur

The Wittur Group recently announced the publication of its 2020-21 Sustainability Report, its first report highlighting the company’s sustainability strategy and commitment to sustainable growth, social responsibility and addressing environmental challenges. The report follows Global Reporting Initiative guidelines, with key targets based on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations to keep global warming to 1.5˚C, according to the Paris Agreement. 

Driven by its group executive management team, Wittur’s sustainability roadmap was launched in 2020. It establishes a clear framework for action on strategic priorities that capture Wittur’s most important sustainability challenges and opportunities. These were identified through materiality assessments and internal evaluation results with the executive management team and select senior managers. 

The report is the outcome of a process started with the development of energy-efficiency products certified according to VDI 4707 (energy efficient label for elevators) guidelines as early as 2014. Since that time, Wittur has worked with its suppliers to establish common actions for sustainable growth in the context of the Wittur Group Supplier Code of Ethics. Wittur also committed to and published an employee Code of Conduct publicly available on the Wittur website.

Finally, in 2021, Wittur completed a cooperative process among its teams to redefine its values and purposes, with an approach more representative of the modern era and new priorities. One of the key outcomes is that Wittur gives more visibility to the sustainability concept in the context of “protecting people and the environment.”

Wittur Group CEO Tom Stephenson said: 

“Wittur’s commitment to sustainability is pivotal to the long-term success of our company. We are developing environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) strategies that aim to improve the impact of our global operations and make a tangible contribution to shape a better world for future generations. We seek to create long-term value for our customers, suppliers, employees, families and communities.”

Wittur Group Chief Operating Officer Hans Koenigshofer said the company is proud to share the inaugural report. He said Wittur has defined a portfolio of projects that reflect its sustainability goals. “We have embedded sustainability into our shared purpose and values, and we have put structures and governance in place to steer the development of our objectives,” Koenigshofer said. “We are prepared and committed to protect our people and the environment.” 

Wittur Group Global Sustainability and Quality Director Vincenzo Bruno remarked that the group’s approach to sustainability was guided by the Integrated Management System developed over the past five years to optimize ESG. “Sustainability is bringing forward continuous improvement, upholding all Wittur processes,” he said. 

Wittur Group Global Sustainability Manager Ayperi Sevinçli observed that setting a clear goal is the first step in achieving transformation. Sevinçli said: 

“At Wittur Group, we have cooperated with all sites to devise an extensive roadmap for our Group with the aim of achieving the long-term goals announced by our CEO. This roadmap includes short-, medium- and long-term actions and initiatives not only against the climate crisis, but including all aspects of sustainability. We will monitor all actions through periodic indicators, review our level of achievement and performance via our systems, and do our best to raise the bar continuously.” 

Among the key targets declared, Wittur commits by 2030 to:

  • Reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increase sourcing of renewable electricity
  • Design sustainable, eco-friendly packages, 100% made of recyclable materials
  • Reduce waste
  • Support development of local communities in all Wittur sites
  • Eliminate workplace injuries
  • Realize and sustain zero health and safety impacts of Wittur products
  • Increase all Wittur employees’ awareness of sustainability via trainings on the UN’s Agenda for Sustainable Development training
  • Replace traditional manufacturing processes with greener alternatives

The complete Wittur 2020/21 sustainability report is available for download at 

submitted by Wittur

submitted by Wittur

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