Metro as Museum

Image © ANM

When thyssenkrupp announced it had won a major maintenance contract from Azienda Napoletana Mobilita (ANM) in Naples, Italy (ELEVATOR WORLD, April 2017), it shared photographs of some of the units the contract covers, including this one in the Toledo Station on Line 1. Here, escalators become part of a public environment that is more art museum than subway station. Architect Oscar Tusquets Blanca headed up the project, inviting 90 artists to create installations around the themes of earth, water and light. The work seen here imparts an ocean ambience, with varying shades of blue mosaics covering the floors and walls around a “‘crater of light,’ a deep, wide cone that permeates all levels of the station,” according to The deepest built to date in Line 1, the station was completed in 2012.

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