Patented and Environmentally Friendly Elevator Balance Weights Available from Ergin Makine

Ergin Makine, based in Istanbul, a company that manufactures balance weights from manufacturing scraps and using not heat, but a patented method the company developed, has attained global market attention with its economical and environmentally friendly alternative product.

Through this patented technology, the company provides an innovative, optimized and, most importantly, an environmentally friendly solution. About 88 percent of Greenweight counterweights consist of metal particles. These green products produce 24-32 times less CO2 emissions than recycled steel products melted through conventional arc furnace processes.

The company provides a completely innovative and environmentally friendly solution without using heat and without leaving any waste, thanks to the patented technology it developed together with Istanbul Technical University through a project that lasted 10 years. Greenweight, which consists of 90 percent scrap metals, produce 30 times less CO2 emissions when compared with the filler weights and counterweights produced in a conventional arc furnace. About 70 percent of these environmentally friendly products are exported.

Greenweights are used in:

  • elevator filler weights,
  • building maintenance unit counterweights
  • -crane counterweights

Elevator Filler Weights

Elevator filler weights are produced in 2 types, with and without handles. The cross-sectional areas of the filler weights are 50 x 150 mm and product lengths range between 250 mm and 980 mm.

Building Maintenance Unit Monoblock Counterweight

Building maintenance unit (BMU) monoblock counterweights are produced as a block on demand in the requested geometry and dimensions.  A monoblock counterweight ranges from 300kg to 12.000 kg. Depending on the geometry of the monoblock counterweight, its density ranges from 6.00 g/cm³ to 7.00 g/cm³. Based on demand, after all necessary connection details are prepared for installation in the BMU, it is installed in the building maintenance unit easily and without any other operation.

Building Maintenance Unit (BMU) Filler Weight

Building maintenance unit filler weights can be produced in 50 mm thickness, 150 mm width and length ranging from 250 mm to 980 mm. Filler weights can be easily stacked in the weight chamber of the building maintenance unit. Maximum weight of the filler weights is 50 kg. Filler weights are coated with galvanized sheet and do not need to be painted.

Crane Counterweight

Crane counterweights are produced as a block on demand in the requested geometry and dimensions. These weights can vary from 500 kg to 12.000 kg. Depending on the geometry of the monoblock counterweight, its density ranges from 6.00 g/cm³ to 6.80 g/cm³.  Based on demand, all necessary connection details of the crane counterweight are prepared. Thus, the installation of the building crane counterweight is completed easily and without any other operation.

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