Subir & Bajar 40th Anniversary

Subir & Bajar 40th Anniversary
Subir & Bajar staff: (l-r) Jésica García, editorial assistant; Luis Maldacena, director; Carmen Maldacena, editorial secretary; D’Angélica, CAA’s chair; Andrea Imaz, graphic designer; Carlos Sapienza and Carlos Carrizo, editorial committee; and Alberto Gutnisky, Commercial & Distribution Operations

by Héctor M. López Quintana
translated by Carmen Maldacena, EW Correspondent

In 2010, the Argentine Cámara de Ascensores y Afines (CAA) celebrated 40 years as a publisher, one activity to be among many others pioneered by the institution during its 61-year history. In 1970, with its publication El Ascensor, CAA occupied an out-post because it was the only informative means in the Argentine elevator sector, as CAA was the only elevator association in Argentina. At the beginning, the magazine was meant as another service for the members of the CAA, but, later, it slowly reached the Argentine vertical-transportation sector. Under different names and formats, it survived in spite of its random publication. The present name Subir & Bajar was adopted in 1993, and in recent years – once achieving regular publication – it has gone beyond Argentina’s borders, taking up an important role in the international elevator press sector.


In 1969, the press committee of CAA was constituted with your author as one of its members. Its purpose was the edition of an institutional publication to be distributed among members, entrepreneurial institutions and building companies, professionals and managers.

CAA’s associated companies con-tributed articles and advertising, creating El Ascensor in 1970. It was an institutional magazine with a four-monthly frequency. However, it was nearly impossible to meet the deadlines, so long periods of time elapsed between issues. For this reason it was decided to publish bulletins instead. The publication gained momentum in 1987 with the appointment of Nicolás Vrdoljak as director and Juan C. Bissi as editorial secretary. The name Revista de la Cámara de Ascensores y Afines was adopted with CAA’s logo, but in 1993, it was finally baptized Subir & Bajar with the publication of its 22nd issue.

The Longed-for Renovation

Subir & Bajar experienced a significant turning point in June 2004 (issue 38) with the appointment of new Director Ing. Luis Maldacena, who achieved the bimonthly continuity.

A magazine committee was created with Carlos Sapienza and Carlos Carrizo who were in charge of supervision and advice. Some months later, Carmen Maldacena was appointed to editorial secretary. She had collaborated as translator in the previous publications for about 30 years, and acquired experience as an ELEVATOR WORLD correspondent, starting in 1996. This decision changed the strategy used up to that moment with excel-lent results. Andrea Imaz-Estudio de Diseño Imaz-Pintos-is responsible for the graphic production and CAA manager, Alberto Gutnisky looks after the commercial aspects and distribution.

International Presence

During the last few years, hand in hand with globalization, CAA decided to expand the scope of Subir & Bajar –its definitive name for the last 17 years. With everybody’s effort, the magazine became known in Latin America, the U.S. and Europe where it is recognized and enjoys the respect of the international elevator publications. Consequently, CAA has also achieved international recognition after 61 years.

Birthday Celebration

Subir & Bajar received several congratulations from its sister publications like EW and Elevatori, in coincidence with its birthday date in June 2010. However, the celebration was postponed until December 18, when CAA’s traditional dinner dance took place.

The stately Club Español was the venue chosen to commemorate the magazine’s 40th anniversary. On the occasion, CAA President Jorge D’Angélica opened the ceremony and gave thanks for the presence of associates and members of colleague elevator associations who assisted from different cities to share the event. He pointed out his satisfaction on the important development achieved by CAA’s editorial work, taking into account that it is the motor of the institution, not only financially, but also because “it allows every member and advertiser to describe their companies and activities.” Afterwards, D’Angélica invited Carmen Maldacena to recall the publication’s history and her long cooperation. In a moving and enthusiastic speech she remarked that her job as an EW correspondent was the key that later opened the doors for her journalistic activity in the local elevator industry. It is her wish to improve the magazine, to see it grow, avoiding discontinuity. At present, CAA’s website is being refurbished with new sections to better serve the sector and the addition of Subir & Bajar online.

Finally, she thanked CAA and its Steering Committee for their confidence in her editorial work at Subir & Bajar, stressing the total freedom she enjoys to carry on with her job and also representing the association at international vertical-transportation shows. She remarked that the magazine is open and at the service of all the Argentine elevator associations, as well as national and international colleagues. She also thanked CAA’s members – the mag-azine’s true owners – advertisers and everyone on the Subir & Bajar staff.

The Steering Committee rounded up the ceremony, presenting Carmen Maldacena with a commemorative plaque in recognition of her painstaking and continuous collaboration in the CAA institutional publication. The guests enjoyed the pleasant evening, dancing and laughing the night away to the tune of good music and a humorous showman. In the small hours, D’Angélica pro-posed a toast “to everybody’s health and happiness in the new year 2011, hoping the future events will be as warm as the ceremony experienced tonight.” The Club Español remained in silence only after four in the morning.

Héctor M. López Quintana translated by Carmen Maldacena

Héctor M. López Quintana translated by Carmen Maldacena

Héctor M. López Quintana is a referent of the Argentine elevator history, and CAA’s honorary member and guardian of its memories. He has witnessed its foundation and actively promoted its editorial activities. As head of his company – Ascensores M. López Quintana y Cia. SRL, López Quintana was president of CAA and occupied several positions in its Steering Committee.

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