Tracking Transitions and Tallying Triumphs

Tracking Transitions and Tallying Triumphs
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The India growth story has indeed been noteworthy, and it is clearly reflected in the vertical-transportation (VT) industry’s acceleration occurring in parallel along the path to progress. Infrastructure and real estate have been the most noticeable facets of the nation’s rapid development, and VT has played an integral role in this journey, spreading its presence far and wide.  

The content theme of this issue of ELEVATOR WORLD India, Transformation Tales, chronicles this by analyzing the related aspects that have witnessed metamorphosis. Mind you, the focus is not just on elevators becoming bigger, faster and more conspicuous. Our panel of experts has undertaken this endeavor with a holistic, all-encompassing approach.

These articles are a compendium of each writer’s insights on the relevant elements that have been modified, either gradually or on the fast track. From managing the dynamic supply and demand equations to harnessing technology, exploring new opportunities and facilitating them, incorporating sustainability and making it an essential factor, the way events unfolded is fascinating. 

From a scenario in which describing VT and listing the applications that touch the lives of the average person would take a few seconds, now, one could probably deliver an hour-long lecture and refer to it as merely the tip of the iceberg. Words like “immense” and “infinite” are considered inadequate by those who indulge in crystal ball gazing while attempting to come up with predictions of what the future holds. 

High-speed elevators and elegant escalators, multi-level car parking systems and travelators enabling one to cover distances effortlessly went from being a rarity to a regular part of our lives. There was no “big bang” or “eureka” moment. Nobody realized how and when it happened, but the VT modes that were once beyond reach except to only a few became accessible to one and all. Elevators once restricted to high-profile office buildings are now seen in most new residential high rises. Escalators that earlier provided access to metro stations now do the same for ordinary railway stations, as well. Travelators that were seen only at airports now facilitate movement at large supermarkets.

The important thing is that, as India stands on the cusp of exponential progress, it has the advanced VT to ensure that even the sky is not the limit!      

Consulting Editor, India

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