The Ministry of Industry and Technology announced the results of Market Surveillance and Inspection (PGD) for 2024. According to the results announced in the report, 37,392 products were inspected in 2024, and a total of TRY 153.809 million in fines were imposed on those found to be non-conforming. The product group with the highest rate of non-conformity was identified as energy efficiency at 48%. Energy efficiency were followed by elevators with 20.91%, cable cars with 20.87%. In 2024, a total of 13,929 inspections were carried out, which included companies carrying out product inspections for elevator products and maintenance activities for elevators, type A inspection institutions carrying out periodic inspection activities and service inspections for building supervisors. Of these, 2,913 were found to be non-conforming, and 441 of these were sent for testing, while 193 were given a correction period. In 2024, a total of TRY 73.12 million fines were imposed on elevators found to be non-conforming.
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