Dr. Gina Barney of Gina Barney Associates in the U.K. sent ELEVATOR WORLD Editor and Publisher Ricia Sturgeon-Hendrick the following note:
“I was Scottish dancing in Whittington Village Hall (12 mi. from me) and came across your ancestor. I quite forgot he was born here, so I surprised myself on finding out how close he was born to where I live.”
Barney was also kind enough to send this photo of a portrait of Sturgeon displayed in the hall. The “ancestor” referred to is William Sturgeon (1783-1850), a name familiar to those who know EW’s history, as William C. Sturgeon founded the magazine in 1953. In addition to inventing the electromagnets and the electric motor, this Sturgeon also published a magazine, though it was on electricity. While it is yet to be determined whether these Sturgeons have the same lineage or different ones, Sturgeon-Hendrick states her family tree does reach back to England, so there is a possible connection she will pursue further.
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