ECNY Supplier Showcase Fun: Hand-Rolled Cigars and Some Very Happy Suppliers

Your author just got back from yet-another wonderful edition of the Elevator Conference of New York’s (ECNY) Supplier Showcase at the lovely Villa Barone Manor in the Bronx. Bobby “Bobby Dee” Defrancesco of Benfield Electric Supply conceived the showcase several decades ago and it’s been going strong, and getting stronger, ever since. There are well over 100 suppliers, thousands of attendees and a significant waiting list of suppliers — not only US-based, but from all over the world.

Silvain Mongrain of Mongrain Vertical Transport always hands out hand-rolled cigars at the showcase, but this year (as he has done on occasion) he offered something very special: cigars being rolled live in person by a professional. Everyone was in high spirits throughout the event, as evidenced by the below picture of the Peelle team.


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