Located at 1100 Shackamaxon Street in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Unit 3F is a sight to behold. With original hardwood floors, exposed brick and beams, 1,404 ft2 of space and close proximity to three SEPTA lines, it will certainly pique the interest of potential renters. However, this apartment also has two interesting elevator-related selling points, according to a recent article in Philly Mag. Not only does it house the oldest working electric elevator in Philadelphia, but the building was originally an elevator factory in the late 19th century. The freight elevator that sits between the living room and dining room in the unit was installed when the factory was first constructed and is able to haul heavy objects to the loft with ease. Photos of the apartment show a motorcycle on display, made possible by the freight elevator. With the space and ability to showcase large, heavy objects paired with the history behind the elevator, Unit 3F will certainly be off the market in no time.
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