Editor’s Overview

Future Focused

Our first quarter 2022 issue highlights the most interesting and challenging projects completed in the past year as part of ELEVATOR WORLD’s 24th Annual Project of the Year. Entries came...

Stronger and Well Dressed

“It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked.”— Warren Buffett People say, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,” but I like Buffett’s...

Finding a Path

Hope is like a path in the countryside. [At first], there is nothing — but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears. — Lu Xum My...

Regular Updates for the “New Normal”

image: Marjan Island Resort & Spa hotel from Above and Beyond When COVID-19 was first accorded the status of a global pandemic, the most sought-after prediction was not “how” it...

A Path Forward

Hope is like a path in the countryside. [At first], there is nothing - - - but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears.-- Lu Xum...

Dear Readers of Elevator World Turkey, january February 2022

We left 2021 behind, a year that everyone wanted to get rid of. Unfortunately, we have felt the same at the beginning of the last year, and did not like...

How Smart Is Your Building?

During the last several years when my entertainment options were severely reduced to staying at home, I had friends suggest various television shows I could watch. Their suggestion was always...

Finding a Path

Hope is like a path in the countryside. [At first], there is nothing — but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears. — Lu Xum My...

Onward and Upward

Welcome to the 109th edition of Elevator World UK. Yet again, it has been a busy time in the U.K. lift world. In my last introduction, I made mention of...

Transformers and Game Changers

Technology is an integral part of our lives, and there is hardly any aspect that remains unaffected by its advances. The vertical-transportation (VT) industry has always exemplified the adage, “be...

Canopy over the escalator at the Embarcadero station; image courtesy of BART

BART’s Top 24 Accomplishments of 2024 Include Escalator Updates

Pankrác metro station platform; photo by A. Savin for Wikipedia

Year-Long Construction Closes Two Prague Metro Stations

The station is served by Schindler escalators; photo by Marc A. Hermann for the NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

NYC LIRR Among “Most Beautiful for Interior Design”

At the Royal Palace of Naples, an interactive virtual elevator transports you through four centuries of life in the palace; image via Finestre sull’ Arte.

Royal Palace of Naples Introduces Interactive Virtual Elevator Exhibit

DLF The Arbour; image courtesy of DLF

65 Otis Elevators for Luxury Residential Development in Gurugram, India