Amid Budget Constraints, Aging Seoul Subway Escalators Need Replacement

Seoul Metro or subway station | image adobe stock

A considerable percentage of escalators serving subway lines operated by both the Seoul Metro and Korea Railroad (Korail) need to be replaced, but budget constraints — particularly for the Metro — are putting a damper on plans, Korea JoongAng Daily reports. Nearly 32% (578 of 1,827) of escalators at Seoul Metro stations were built at least 20 years ago. Regulations state components should be replaced every 15-20 years. For Korail, slightly more than 18% (479 of 2,640) of escalators are at least 15 years old. The issue received renewed attention after an escalator accident at Korail’s Sunae station in Bundang earlier this month in which 14 people were injured. An investigation found worn-out components needed to be replaced and that an emergency brake failed to work. With a KRW630 billion (US$494.9 million) deficit in 2022, Metro is struggling to pay for needed work. Updating a single escalator costs approximately KRW550 million (US$432,135). A Metro official told the source the agency plans to negotiate with Seoul city government for the funds to replace 433 escalators by 2031. A Korail official said the railroad plans to invest KRW13 billion (US$10.2 million) to replace 120 escalators this year.

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