EFESME-SBS Lift Forum 2021 Focuses On BIM
The European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EFESME) and the Small Business Standards (SBS) brought together speakers who offered numerous perspectives during a virtual version of the SBS Lift Forum 2021. The focus of the event, held May 27, was “Building Information Modeling” (BIM) and the impact it has on SMEs — especially those in the lift industry. Promoting BIM methodology as “revolutionary,” EFESME speakers asserted that it will “bring about important changes in the lift sector, and in its production, maintenance and sales.” Multiple sessions were presented. The first was a general look at BIM, followed by a session that looked at how it impacts the lift sector and its opportunities and risks. A close look at BIM standardization led to a discussion of its evolution within CEN TC442, an especially important subject to EFESME members.
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