Global Standardized VT Interface Consortium Looks to June Event

NeXt Group e.V., a global nonprofit consortium based in Germany whose purpose is to provide a platform for the development of standardized components and interfaces, is looking forward to the Schwelmer Symposium 2023 on June 19-20 in Sprockhövel, Germany. During the symposium, NeXt Group plans a presentation  — including a live demonstration — on an open elevator cloud standard. Developers will be on hand to speak live with participants. Formed in 2017, NeXt Group strives to pave the way for innovative electronic systems that further improve performance, safety and sustainability; share development resources; define open interfaces between components, services and reference platforms; and provide tools for development and configuration. Its 15 members include names familiar to ELEVATOR WORLD readers, such as Hydroware, Meiller, Lift AI, Schaefer and Mitsubishi Electric Elevator Europe.

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image by Crissa for Pixabay

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