MESA Hears Presentations, Promotes Scholarship at Meeting
Members of the Massachusetts Elevator Safety Association (MESA) heard presentations and promoted the association’s annual scholarship program during its February 14 meeting at Jake n JOES in Norwood, Massachusetts. Approximately 24 attendees learned about Vantage Elevation’s new regional service center in Queens, New York, from Jim Joyce, Vantage territory sales manager based in Taunton, Massachusetts, and president of MESA. Joyce also explained Vantage’s new RENEW hydroTM offering that includes a controller, fixtures, a pump unit, door equipment and an electrical package. Steve Comley of The Elevator Museum in Amesbury, Massachusetts, talked to the group about the museum’s fundraising efforts and handed out museum swag including pens, screwdrivers and coffee cups. Joyce also announced that MESA’s G. Gahr Finney Memorial Scholarship for high school seniors is in full swing and open to all MESA members in good standing. Applications are due by May 1. — reported by Matthew Jackson
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