Otis Announces Winner of Fourth Made To Move Communities Competition

images courtesy of Otis

Otis has announced the four regional winners from around the world in its Made to Move Communities student challenge. In the fourth annual competition, students developed innovative mobility solutions aimed at expanding access to green space in urban communities to advance residents’ well-being with the guidance of Otis volunteer mentors. The winning teams’ solutions are Liceo Polivalente Rigoberto Fontt Izquierdo, Colina, Chile, which created a comprehensive redevelopment plan for an underutilized open area outside of the city; China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China, which developed a concept for a smart, green elevator that would include visual, tactile, auditory and olfactory elements often found in outdoor spaces, bringing a “virtual” green space to those with limited access to such spaces; Lykeio Irakleiou Attikis, Athens, Greece, which prototyped a smart cane designed to provide sensory feedback to individuals with visual impairment to improve navigation of green spaces; and Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School, Taiwan, which designed a concept for a wearable detector embedded in eyeglasses that would pair with a smartphone to alert the user of nearby obstacles when traveling to green spaces. The global student challenge for 2023-24 included more than 240 students across 15 countries and territories. Since 2020, this annual global student competition has engaged hundreds of Otis colleagues as mentors to more than 750 students.

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