Red Dot Award Competition Adds Sustainable Design Category

The international Red Dot Award competition has launched a new product design meta-category: sustainable design, which focuses on sustainable and responsible product design. Through January 31, 2025, designers and companies worldwide can enter their products. In the sustainable design meta-category, products that are durable, adaptable, energy efficient and made from renewable or recyclable materials, for example, can be entered. Involving 40 international design experts coming together in Germany’s Ruhr region, judging will take place in March 2025, with an awards ceremony planned on July 8, 2025. In the past several years, several elevator OEMs have received Red Dot awards, including KONE for products including a connectivity tool, a voice-operated call system, elevator interiors and an energy-saving motor; TK Elevator for a color index system for elevators in car parks; and Otis for a line of hall fixtures.

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image by Crissa for Pixabay

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