TKE Uses MAX to Gauge COVID-19 Elevator Trends in U.S.

Elevator activity comparison by state; image courtesy of TKE

Using its cloud- and Internet of Things-based digital platform  MAX, TKE introduced TK Elevator Index Powered by MAX — a monthly indicator of elevator activity across the U.S. — in April. MAX is connected to more than 85,000 elevators throughout the country. Prior to the pandemic, there were approximately 14 million daily elevator trips on MAX-supported elevators across the U.S. That plunged to 5.5. million, or 38% of pre-pandemic usage, in April 2020, but has since rebounded to more than 10.6 million, or 71% of pre-pandemic usage, in April 2021. The index provides insight about which areas rebounded fastest and which are lagging, with beachfront communities in Florida rebounding to 86% of pre-pandemic levels, among the highest in the nation. In contrast, California has been among the slowest to return to pre-pandemic levels, with major markets lagging well behind the national average of 71%. In Manhattan, NYC, elevator activity returned to 62% of pre-pandemic levels, up from a low point of 29% in April 2020. Despite elevators being an inherently safe and well-ventilated form of transportation, TKE attributes the return to confidence, in part, to the introduction of numerous touchless solutions. 

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