
Fujitec India Training Institute Authorized as a JIIM

The Fujitec JIM training institute in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, established by Japan's Fujitec Co. Ltd. in November 2023, has been authorized as a Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing (JIIM) by...

India Hospital Holds Elevator Safety Event for Staff

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Jammu held an awareness session on the “Safe Use of Elevator and Escalator,” aimed at educating hospital attendants, security staff and other supporting...

Indian Railways Makes Accessibility Strides Through VT Installations

Indian Railways (IR) has made significant efforts to increase passenger convenience and accessibility during the first quarter of FY 2024-2025 through installations of vertical-transportation (VT) equipment across its stations, the...

East Indian State of Bihar Makes Registration of VT Mandatory

The east Indian state of Bihar made registration and inspection of vertical-transportation (VT) equipment mandatory on July 12, with the State Cabinet approving the Bihar Lift and Escalator Bill proposed...

Fujitec Gives Back With Blood Drives in Japan, Taiwan, China and India

In recognition of World Blood Donor Day on June 14, Fujitec conducted a blood drive at its Big Wing headquarters in Shiga prefecture, Japan, a tradition it has upheld for...

India’s WR Real-Time Monitoring App Aims To Boost VT Uptime

India’s Western Railway (WR) has developed a real-time monitoring app for vertical-transportation (VT) equipment serving suburban Mumbai stations, including 122 escalators and 69 elevators, the Hindustan Times is among outlets...

AFAG: interlift 2025 and TES Dubai 2024 Generating Buzz

interlift 2025, taking place for the first time in Nürnberg, Germany, on October 14-17, 2025, is already generating a lot of buzz with more than 250 exhibitors — including two...

KONE Expands Western India Footprint With New Office

KONE has expanded its footprint in the western Indian state of Maharashtra with the opening of a new office in the Seasons Business Centre in Kalyan, Construction Week is among...

Escalators and Lifts Being Installed at FOBs in Delhi, India

After a survey by India’s Delhi Government revealed that people were not using foot overbridges (FOBs) due to the time and fatigue involved, it is now in various stages of...

U.K., U.S. Consultancies Join Forces to Expand Footprint

D2E International VT Consultants Ltd, based in London, and Connecticut-based My Elevator Service have agreed to partner to better meet the needs of their global clients and expand their geographical...

photo by Superfast1111 for Wikipedia

New Elevators and Escalators at Southern India Railway Station


In Memoriam: William “Bill” O’Connor

New installation sales have been driven by TKE’s energy-efficient, digitally native EOX elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings; image courtesy of TKE.

TKE Reports Financial Results With Sales Gains Driven by EOX

Canopy over the escalator at the Embarcadero station; image courtesy of BART

BART’s Top 24 Accomplishments of 2024 Include Escalator Updates

Pankrác metro station platform; photo by A. Savin for Wikipedia

Year-Long Construction Closes Two Prague Metro Stations