TSSA Implements Late Fee and Cancellation Fee
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) of Ontario, Canada, announced that, effective November 4, it will be introducing two new fees: a Late Payment Fee for licenses and other...
ATTA Elevators Opens First U.S. Location
ATTA Elevators, the largest independent elevator company in Canada, has announced its expansion into the U.S. with the opening of its first U.S. location in St. Louis, Missouri. ATTA Elevators...
MacArthur Joins TSSA as Elevating Devices Inspector
Eric MacArthur announced he has started a new position as an elevating devices inspector for greater Ottawa, Ontario, with the province's Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). MacArthur studied to...
CECA Elle-evator Women’s Group Virtual Meeting Planned
The Canadian Elevator Contractors Association’s (CECA) Elle-evator women’s group plans to hold a virtual meeting on September 10 at noon EST. At this meeting, Elle-evator Chair Deneen McIvor of Elevator...
CECA/ACEA Eastern Region Meetings Set for Coming Year
The Canadian Elevator Contractors Association (CECA)/Association Canadienne des Entrepreneurs en Ascenseurs (ACEA) has set its Eastern Region meetings for the remainder of 2024 and the coming year. The next meeting...
ATTA Elevators Continues Expansion Across Canada
ATTA Elevators, a full-service elevator and escalator company headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has announced the opening of its Victoria office based in Victoria, British Columbia. Brian Bosence, regional vice president,...
ATTA Elevators Expands to Winnipeg Manitoba
ATTA Elevators, a full-service elevator and escalator company headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has announced the opening of its Manitoba office based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Vince Levenec, regional vice president, will...
CECA Prairie Region Meeting And AEDARSA Alberta Elevator Seminar Coming Up
The Canadian Elevator Contractors Association (CECA) reminds all interested parties that registration is now open for the Alberta Elevating Devices and Amusement Rides Safety Association (AEDARSA) Alberta Elevator Industry Seminar,...
MAD Elevator Expands to U.S. With Dallas Area Facility
MAD Elevator Inc., headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, is expanding to the U.S. with a new manufacturing facility in the Dallas, Texas, area. MAD Marketing Manager Anupa Simon tells ELEVATOR...
Toronto Tower Proposal Gets Taller Following MTSA Designation
Following the Canadian province of Ontario establishing so-called Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs), a plan for a residential tower at 2810 Bayview Avenue in Toronto has evolved from a previous...