Project of the Year 2021

Yitzchak Navon Train Station

Complex train station design challenges installers, who devise a custom monorail system to move escalator sections. We care a lot about height in the vertical-transportation industry. Getting passengers to the...

Collins House

Otis works within space and time constraints to deliver advanced elevators to new landmark tower. For more than 150 years, owners and managers of some of the world’s most iconic...

Elevator World’s 23rd Annual Project of the Year

In this issue, EW is pleased to present the 2021 Project of the Year contest winners. As always, submissions were impressive, and judging was difficult. In a world largely in...

DLF The Arbour; image courtesy of DLF

65 Otis Elevators for Luxury Residential Development in Gurugram, India


Alimak Invests in Robotics Technology for Building Maintenance

image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images for Pixabay

Three Stuck in Elevator Shaft in Seattle Rescued

image by OleksandrPidvalnyi for Pixabay

Closings for Christmas

At the EW booth at ISEE; image courtesy of Alea Guillemi

Second ISEE Sees Success, Upcoming Events Announced