Clean and Safe

Clean and Safe
Handrail media displays marketing messages, event sponsors, social media handles and more.

Gianni Cotteta (GC), president of Ad Rail USA™, tells your author (KF) how the company’s Safe2Touch GBAC STAR™ Registered program is benefiting facilities and passengers.  

photos by Ad Rail USA

When Ad Rail USA President Gianni Cotteta last spoke with ELEVATOR WORLD in July 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was disrupting business as usual for the company. During lockdown, Ad Rail USA envisioned a future that was less reliant on media buying for international tradeshows and, instead, capitalized on the unique features of Ad Rail™ Escalator Handrail Media, for which the company is the exclusive U.S. provider. Cotteta was hopeful that, as a vaccine was developed and economies recovered, companies would emerge stronger than ever. 

Ad Rail USA put its dreams into action: The company recently underwent the Global Biorisk Advisory Council™’s (GBAC) STAR registration process for its Safe2Touch program, the purpose of which is to improve public safety on escalators. To receive this credential from GBAC, an application must include a list of claims and problem statements, providing evidence that the offering will effectively support a hygienic indoor environment with a demonstrated advantage over existing offerings. Your author caught up with Cotteta to learn more about this award and the current state of the company. 

Clean and Safe
Ad Rail offers custom QR codes to help brands boost the functionality of their campaigns.

KF: Please tell us how the COVID-19 pandemic affected Ad Rail USA’s business model and focus.

GC: The pandemic turned our product, Ad Rail Escalator Handrail Media, from a want to a need. Public facilities quickly recognized that, due to the risk of germ transfer, riders were more reluctant to hold on to handrails than before, increasing risk of injury and liability. Safe2Touch by Ad Rail provides a solution for both problems: Our exclusive film is antimicrobial and the graphics help passengers gauge speed and motion, so they can take a more natural step on and off. “Clean and safe” became the lead focus while media buying recovered.

KF: How did the effort to achieve the GBAC STAR Registered seal for the Safe2Touch program come about?

GC: Ad Rail USA CEO and Partner Robert Lovell brought this opportunity to the company’s attention as a must-have, timely business pivot. The Safe2Touch GBAC STAR Registered program can regulate standard operating procedures (SOPs) and duplicate those processes across a growing GBAC STAR Registered Network. We understood that this process would be critical to not only solidifying our credentials but also substantiating the fact that Ad Rail USA has solved the 120-year-old problem of rider safety and germ prevention on escalators. This endorsement has given our facility partners and customers a credible solution to invest in long term.

KF: Could you tell us more about GBAC’s extensive scientific and legal review?

GC: The GBAC Advisory Council Scientific Board assessed Ad Rail USA’s Safe2Touch program by an extensive pass/fail process. Safety and compliance with applicable standards and guidelines were met. Usability, implementation and training methods were also validated, along with a review of marketing language and claims to represent the scientific and legal accuracy of our program. GBAC reviewed our entire 20-year product history and every credential, including several years of prior safety studies, methodologies and material specs. They thoroughly examined our SOPs from initial preparation for our exclusive film application installation to post-application cleaning protocol.

KF: How long did the accreditation process take from start to finish?

GC: The GBAC review process took a year and taught us patience and commitment. 

KF: What did the Ad Rail USA team teach GBAC about proper escalator cleaning and maintenance?

GC: The GBAC team quickly discovered that we spent several years working with the largest agencies in the world to evaluate our product to ensure it was, in fact, increasing escalator safety. We have worked with the national ASME code committee, Synovate Research, Liftinstituut, major escalator OEMs and local and state governments to support our claims. Through this process, GBAC also learned that we have a proprietary cleaning and maintenance process that cleans and conditions the handrails. Additionally, the film provides a germ barrier that incapsulates escalator handrails, producing a non-porous surface to clean and disinfect.

We understood that this process would be critical to not only solidifying our credentials but also substantiating the fact that Ad Rail USA has solved the 120-year-old problem of rider safety and germ prevention on escalators.

 — Ad Rail USA President Gianni Cotteta

KF: Safe2Touch addresses germ prevention on the third-dirtiest surface in a public facility: escalator handrails. Out of curiosity, what are the two public surfaces with the most germs?

GC: The top two above escalator handrails are gas pumps and mailbox handles, according to a study by Kimberly-Clark.

KF: Ad Rail USA handrail media has an impressive 85% brand recall rate. How have venues and brands used your antimicrobial film application to promote public safety messages throughout the pandemic?

GC: This type of brand recall is difficult to achieve in the advertising industry. We’ve been able to accomplish this mainly because the product is so unexpected, unique and clean. It is literally in the hands of the escalator passenger for 30-60 s each ride, which is considered remarkable “dwell time.” Since the pandemic, we have created the perfect long-term solution for both facilities and brands. Facilities want three-to-five-year Ad Rail Safe2Touch programs with training for their maintenance staff to ensure they stay GBAC STAR Facility-compliant through continued investment in improved methods for their buildings. Brands have a multi-year sponsorship opportunity, much like naming rights, to financially support the program. They are also able to tout their commitment to social responsibility by keeping their public facilities, attendees, passengers or loyal sports fans clean and safe. For example, Walter E. Washington Convention Center used Safe2Touch to show off their impressive certifications, logo and a QR code link to their website, plus a strong “please hold handrail” call-to-action.

GBAC Star Registered
Ad Rail USA

KF: During the first year of the pandemic, you saw decreased tradeshow business and increased interest in your antimicrobial handrail coating. Has the demand for germ-barrier film remained strong?

GC: The pandemic completely shut us down like the rest of the world, but only for a short period until our customers shifted focus to the safety aspect of our product. They realized that we weren’t simply a media company; we had a solution to a widespread problem. With the additional offering of our Safe2Touch program, the demand for germ prevention post-pandemic is rapidly expanding. 

KF: When we spoke to you in July 2020, Ad Rail USA was anticipating an increase in business based on demand for your antimicrobial escalator handrail media. How has business grown over the past several years?

GC: Achieving our new GBAC STAR Registered Safe2Touch program seal has opened a new channel of opportunities as facilities and events are now back in full operation. We have a very high client retention rate with brands like Amazon, Raytheon, IBM and others. We are now seeing demand from multiple channels, including airports, arenas, stadiums and convention centers. While germ prevention is essential to our facility partners and the public, the additional proven benefit of reducing trip and fall liabilities has been a requested priority.

KF: At that time, Ad Rail USA had more than 3,500 installations worldwide. What is that number currently?

GC: There have been more than 5,000 installations worldwide to date, and our product has been experienced by more than 1 billion people.

Associate Editor

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