Down the Hatch

19. Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators

by Patrick de Ledebur

PVE technicians preassemble and stack the three-story vacuum elevator outside of the vessel.

In the summer of 2022, Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators, LLC (PVE), installed a three-level PVE37 vacuum elevator inside of a newly built Hargrave 107-ft superyacht in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Completed in two days, this unique installation required PVE’s on-site technicians to preassemble and stack the entire three-story vacuum elevator outside of the vessel. 

Using an on-site crane, the fully assembled elevator was hoisted and then lowered inside the yacht through a custom-built hatch located on the roof of the top deck. Executed in collaboration with Hargrave Custom Yachts, two-plus years of preparation and planning ensured the elevator installation went smoothly and complemented the aesthetics of the ship. 

PVE was first contacted by Hargrave Custom Yachts during the initial design stages of the project in April 2020. The client, who was designing the vessel from the ground up, requested a lift solution to provide additional accessibility to all three decks on the ship. After reviewing the three PVE vacuum elevator models available, including the single-passenger PVE30 and three-passenger, wheelchair-accessible PVE52, it was concluded the two-passenger PVE37 vacuum elevator was the ideal solution for their needs.

Once assembled, the elevator is ready to be hoisted. 

Hargrave naval architects and marine engineers designed and built the yacht to the specifications of the PVE37 vacuum elevator. Able to transport up to 450 lb, the PVE37 was installed in the center of a spiral staircase, which wrapped around the elevator, enhancing the interior design of the vessel. With fewer preconstruction requirements than traditional elevators, the vacuum elevator is a self-supporting lift that rests on the existing ground floor of the vessel. No shaft or pit is required for operation. Manufactured at PVE’s global headquarters in Miami, Florida, each vacuum elevator is produced using an aluminum frame and polycarbonate panels, with every unit built to the floor-to-floor heights of the project and able to travel up to five stops or 50 ft in total rise. With 360° visibility while traveling, these elevators offer a panoramic experience for passengers.

The elevator is lowered into the hatch that was custom-built for quick 

Using only a 220-volt, single-phase power supply for operation, this plug-and play-elevator was installed as a standard mounted application, where the elevator machinery is located directly above the unit. The hatch on the roof deck offers not only an access point for entry during installation, but also enough clearance for the machinery to be placed on top of the cylinder. If maintenance or servicing is required, the hatch offers technicians easy access to the elevator machinery while the ship is docked at any port.

Requiring less space, energy and maintenance compared to traditional elevators, the vacuum elevator is an ideal lift solution for many residential or marine applications. As Hargrave’s newly built yacht departed on its maiden voyage, PVE was honored to have collaborated on this remarkable, multi-level project.

Patrick de Ledebur is sales and marketing manager for Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators, LLC. 

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