Editor’s Overview Turkey September – October 2021

Dear Readers of Elevator World Turkey,

We are faced with disasters every single day and we keep asking, “What is the worst that could happen?” Especially in August, we suffered a lot due to the huge forest fires in the southwest costs of our country. Then, we were faced with a migration wave across Iran when Taliban took power in Afghani-stan. Unavoidably, all these cause changes in the demographic structure of our country.  We will see their bitter fruits in the long run.

With our September-October issue, you will be informed about global events as well as our Focus on Special Projects. Following the opening, the industry is now full of activities.  ASFED, which is entitled to receive the inscription “Turkey” at the beginning of its name and now called TASFED, visited BTSO MESYEB, which made a name with its vocational activities and the Elevator Test Center it opened in Bursa. Additionally, Ankara-based ANASDER made a series of visits to the Chamber of Industry and the Ministry.

The International Association of Elevator Consultants (IAEC) held its 2021 Forum inperson in Orlando, Florida. In this issue, you may read a detailed article about the event, where Elevator World CEO T. Bruce Mackinnon made a presentation

In this issue, we Focus on Inclined Lifts, which are often used at hotels and tourist attractions built on sloping lands. Please enjoy the details and stories of many projects from our country and the whole world. While our reports about inclined lifts arouse interest in other sectors, receiving nice feedback from the hotels and municipalities motivates us.  

The results of ISO Top 500 and ISO Second Top 500, published by Istanbul Chamber of Industry, have been announced.  No company from elevator industry took part in the Top 500 list, but Buga Otis and Çelikray kept the flag flying in Second Top 500 List.

Product of the Year and the Photo Contest organized by Elevator World now have a new dimension.  In this issue, we introduce you the contestant products for voting. Being the expert readers of the industry, you will determine the winner with your votes.

Although there is no vaccine shortage in our country, due to the acts of anti-vaxxers, the autumn starts with an increase in the number of pandemic cases and deaths. I hope anti-vaxxers give up being so stubborn and become helpful for getting closer to normal life.

I wish prosperity and good health for all our readers.

Elevator World Turkey and Middle East: Managing Director

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Elevator World Türkiye | September - October 2021 Cover


Glass Observation Terrace, Elevator and Cable Car for Ihlara Valley


Planned Zoning Regulation Has Been Amended


The Flavor of the Tea Rises with KONE

Sharing the Water

Sharing the Water


Product of the Year 2021 Turkey

Elevating History

Elevating History


My Condolences to the Whole World

DOPPLER Inclined Elevators

DOPPLER Inclined Elevators

Elevator World Türkiye | September - October 2021 Cover