¡Muito Obrigado, Senhor Roboto!


This is a “robot” (with a man inside) brought to ExpoElevador by an important Brazilian manufacturer, Infolev. It was a popular and an original way to attract visitors to its booth, as many wanted to be photographed with it. Subir & Bajar’s booth assistant, Cecelia Sotelo, was excited to have this snapshot of her and the mascot taken in the last minutes of the show.

Infolev celebrated its 25th birthday during the expo. The robot was its marketing department’s idea for the booth’s attraction to amuse and relax visitors. The Chinese who attended ExpoElevador were greatly surprised and wanted to know all about its technology, when, in fact, it was more creativity, because the robot is an expertly made costume worn by a person taller than 2 m.

The company stated more than 10,000 pictures were taken that went viral on social media, innovatively highlighting the Infolev brand. (The name was written on the robot’s back.) It also helped turn the commercial event and meeting with customers and friends into a more fun and relaxed experience.

Directora Subir y Bajar

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