Ontario Passes Elevator Reliability Act

Saying that “stronger measures will give consumers more control over credit information and reduce elevator outages,” the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services posted on May 3 that the province has “passed legislation to give consumers easier access to credit information and improve access to elevators.” With the new law, Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in the world to establish standards for elevator repair times. It is to amend the Consumer Protection Act of 2002 to require elevator contractors to complete repairs in a narrow timeframe, regardless of contractual agreement (ELEVATOR WORLD, January 2018).

Formerly known as the “Reliable Elevators Act” and, later, “Bill 8,” the elevator-industry portion has been combined with credit-industry laws and repackaged as the “Access to Consumer Credit Reports and Elevator Availability Act.” The government explains its action in the elevator portion as:

“. . . reducing elevator outages and improving access to elevators through enhanced enforcement of maintenance requirements, publishing information about elevator performance to help consumers make better decisions before they rent or buy and creating new standards for new high rises to ensure they have enough elevators to adequately serve residents. Ontario will consult with the public and businesses in the development of these standards.”

The “elevator action plan” addresses all 19 recommendations proposed in the independent Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) elevator availability study (available on the TSSA’s website at goo.gl/HT7Sep). Ontario also noted there are around 20,000 elevators in approximately 10,000 residential and institutional buildings in Ontario, including long-term care and retirement homes. It estimates 655,000 elevator trips are taken each day on these elevators.

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