As we move from summer into fall, countries around the world are taking stock of the situations affecting the economy: COVID-19 and other viruses, war in Ukraine, inflation, material shortages and leadership changes. Recently, EVEVATOR WORLD participated in an eighth industry survey with partners VFA-Interlift, AFAG and Credit Suisse. In Global Elevator Industry Pulse, Kaija Wilkinson reports that all markets, apart from Europe, now show a slight downward trend. Supply chain shortages and inflation persist, while employment opportunities have edged up. Component suppliers continue to show the healthiest economic situation.

This month, we focus on Safety. To prepare for this, I read OSHA newsletters and went to the U.S. government agency’s website. I found that Europe and the U.S. deal with safety in very different ways. In the U.S., there is an emphasis on enforcement. OSHA publicly announces when it has levied a large fine or won a big settlement, making sure this is communicated to their audience of safety professionals. Contrarily, OSHA’s European counterpart, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) instead includes news about research it has conducted, awards for exemplary leaders and information on continuous improvement of safety programs. The largest difference of power between the U.S. and the EU agencies is the U.S. OSHA has the power to create laws and levy fines to companies throughout the United States. In the EU, each individual country is responsible for performing workplace inspections, establishing work safety laws and enforcing the regulations. EU-OSHA is an organization that provides empowerment and education. Four articles this month highlight Safety in Europe:

  • Common Escalator and Handrail Accidents and their Causes by Erol Akçay. Many accidents are entrapments at the step side or the comb plate. The author highlights several causes and solutions. (Elsewhere in the magazine, you may also see Ken Smith’s article on Chains in the VT Industry that discusses roller and step chains for escalators and the need for good maintenance.)
  • A New Generation of Lift Buffers by Andreas Kieffer. Since 1963, ACLA has supplied the vertical-transportation industry with elastomer products. Now, they have developed a new group of buffers.
  • Prevention and Protection by Titti Lo Papa. ANACAM, which represents 400 Italian companies, also publishes a book: Elements of Risk Assessment and for Safety in Small and Medium Sized Companies. Recently published, it includes updates that discuss pandemic risks.
  • Versatile, Intuitive, Safe. In this Product Spotlight, TK Elevator (TKE) introduces its newest home stairlift with many safety features.

Additionally, we offer a world tour with articles from Sweden to Naples, London, Seoul and on to Nairobi and China. First up is Nairobi Rising, a Market Trends article by our African correspondent, Shem Oirere. Here, KONE won a major order to equip the Global Trade Center, one of the tallest buildings in Africa. Next, we present Opening New Vistas by Jiang Liming on the stunning observation elevators over Wuhan Gorge in China. Back to Italy, we go for the Splendors of Magna Graecia, a Schindler elevator in the famous basilica of Santa Maria built above a cave, water cistern and an ancient Roman road. G Tower in Seoul, South Korea, will host 5,000 workers (mostly IT). TKE installed 40 elevators and eight escalators in 240 days.

New Generation Automated Car Parking Technology describes the development by Lödige Industries, a supplier of material handling solutions, of a new parking system for electric cars and new heavier models. The first is now in London. In Innovation through Design by Triantafyllos Fournaris, KLEEMANN sought collaboration with a world-famous designer to create three styles of cabs using unusual materials. Next, An Icon of Modern Architecture showcases a VT modernization at the famous “Turning Torso,” a building in Malmö, Sweden, that is the world’s first twisting tower. TKE was chosen for the job with the admonishment, “Don’t disturb the tenants.” Finally, in Vision and Ambition, our Lindsay Fletcher interviews the new managing director of Cibes Lift Group, Reyaan Shepherd. Coming from another industry, he was asked what surprised him about the lift industry. He said, “Literally, everyone seems to know each other!” Yes, we do; welcome to our world.

Please, enjoy this issue.

Elevator World Editor and Publisher

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Elevator World Europe | September - October 2022

New Generation of Lift Buffers

New Generation of Lift Buffers

Sanctions on Russia and Belarus

Sanctions on Russia and Belarus

Global Elevator Industry Pulse

Global Elevator Industry Pulse

London (and Beyond) Calling

London (and Beyond) Calling

Next Generation Automated Car Parking Technology

Next Generation Automated Car Parking Technology

Versatile, Intuitive, Safe

Versatile, Intuitive, Safe

Peelle Is Global

Peelle Is Global

Post-Pandemic Scenarios for the Brazilian VT Market

Post-Pandemic Scenarios for the Brazilian VT Market

Elevator World Europe | September - October 2022