Dimitris Rimpas

Dimitris Rimpas has been KLEEMANN’s sales manager for platform lifts since 2017. He joined the company in 2002 as a sales engineer and was promoted to deputy sales manager of export sales department in 2015. Rimpas earned a Mechanical Engineering bachelor’s degree from the University of Sunderland and a master’s degree in the same subject from the University of Strathclyde.

KLEEMANN Home Solutions

New-generation electric and hydraulic lifts are highlighted in this Product Spotlight. In the European Union (EU), lifting platforms with enclosed hoistways were initially developed according to many EU member states’...

DLF The Arbour; image courtesy of DLF

65 Otis Elevators for Luxury Residential Development in Gurugram, India


Alimak Invests in Robotics Technology for Building Maintenance

image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images for Pixabay

Three Stuck in Elevator Shaft in Seattle Rescued

image by OleksandrPidvalnyi for Pixabay

Closings for Christmas

At the EW booth at ISEE; image courtesy of Alea Guillemi

Second ISEE Sees Success, Upcoming Events Announced