Editor’s Overview

Technological Change

“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” — Mark Weiser When elevators were first...

Game Changer This Time

Our cover story and feature this month is thyssenkrupp’s MULTI, widely believed to be an industry “game changer” for high-rise construction. This is not the first time this type of...

The Land of Milk and Honey

We are focusing our attention this month on the West Coast. I have family in California and Washington State, so I am very careful not to call it the “land...

The Rise of the Robots

“Be nice to the robots, for they will rule the world one day.” — Thehive.com There seems to be a real concern by some that, by the end of this...

Elevators Go Back to School

Nearly 20 years ago, a group sprang up in the industry that supervised elevator work at universities. It was a small group that felt it didn’t quite fit into any...

Safety — It’s the Little Things

I read an article recently about how a mix-up, like the wrong winner’s name being called at the Oscars, happens. It was hardly a disaster, and no lives were lost....

Energy Savings in So Many Ways

“Energy conservation is reducing or going without a service to save energy. For example: turning off a light. Energy efficiency means using less energy to provide the same service.” —...

Mid-Atlantic Region “Crackling” With Activity

Industry executives are very upbeat about the coming year. Some of the optimism could be the “Trump Bump,” since the new president has promised to cut regulations and increase infrastructure...

It’s a Tall World

Nothing says tall like New York City (NYC). . . and Shanghai. . . and Dubai. . . and Taipei. . . and Mexico City. . . and Frankfurt. ....

Inspiration Versus Perspiration

Invention has often been consigned to filling a great need, the combination of desperation and perspiration. I like to think of invention, instead, as that creative spark that comes from...

 image by Geralt for Pixabay

Closing for New Year’s Day


Elevator and Escalator Technical Problems at Bangladesh Metrorail Station Fixed


Ski Lift Crack Leads to Evacuations

Fujitec India’s manufacturing facility in the Chennai suburbs; image courtesy of Fujitec

Fujitec Receives 239 Elevator Order for Metro in Chennai

photo by Superfast1111 for Wikipedia

New Elevators and Escalators at Southern India Railway Station