
Escalator Fractal Behavior, Part Four

Series conclusion details deployment of the concept of the fractal and its partial values in correlation to the mechanical performance and availability of escalators for passenger service. The third part...

Cut Back the Callbacks

Mitsubishi Electric U.S. Elevators and Escalators Division executive says proactive efforts keep VT running safely. by Matt Irvin Elevator and escalator maintenance is vital for the safety of the riding...

Escalator Fractal Behavior, Part Three

The fractal dimension values of two escalators are compared in this penultimate entry in the series. by Dr. Ali Albadri This installment will compare the fractal dimension (Df) values of...

Inspection, Replacement of Ropes

1- Introduction Replacement of different types of ropes such as, traction ropes, compensation rope, overspeed governor ropes depends, mainly on the wear, which happened in wires.  The rope consists of...

Escalator Fractal Behavior, Part One

Deploying the concept of the fractal in correlation to the mechanical performance and availability of escalators for passenger service Traces of data have been collected and downloaded from the electronic...

How to Set the Escalator Main Drive Chain

Rules and regulations regarding escalator drive chains and how to maintain them Each mechanical piece of an escalator can withstand a certain amount of pressure and stretch. If more than...

Maintenance, the Correct Approach to Raise the Quality

Proper maintenance improves equipment quality and, thus, the industry’s reputation. This article was first presented at the 2019 International Elevator & Escalator Symposium in Las Vegas. For more information on...

Smart Step Measures Escalators’ Heartbeats

A study on the smart step, a data gathering device for escalators by Dr. Ali Albadri This article is a study showing the type and category of data we at...

Silver Linings

The future of elevator maintenance is in IIoT, according to Intellithink CEO The pandemic and its associated economic crisis has precipitated a contraction of incredible and unanticipated proportions. One need...

Longer Life for Escalator Steps

LU pioneers the art of prolonging the lifespan of escalator steps in the U.K. London Underground (LU) scraps a significant number of steel escalator steps each year based upon criteria...

Screenshot of the online discussion; image courtesy of Fujitec

Online Discussion Held As Part of Fujitec WheeLog Sponsorship

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; photo by TomasPaint for Pixabay

Funds Allocated For Elevator Replacement in Kyrgyzstan Capital

The partnership demonstrates VM's dedication to the local community; image courtesy of VM Elevators.

London-Based VM Elevators Announces Community Partnership

Elevator serving the BTS; image courtesy of TKE

TKE Spotlights Universal Service Platform in Thailand

Astún resort; image courtesy of Espana, Spain’s Official Tourism Website

Spain Ski Lift Accident Leads to Injuries