Canada Theater Approved for Fundraising for Elevator Addition

Victoria Hall; image courtesy of The Independent

Petrolia has given Victoria Playhouse Petrolia the greenlight to start fundraising for a CAD$3.5 million renovation at Victoria Hall in Petrolia, Ontario, Canada, for the addition of washrooms and elevator, The Independent reports. The renovation has been needed for some time as the theater gets complaints about the “single, small elevator,” and people often won’t buy seats in the balcony due to the number of stairs. This fall, with a donation from patrons, CIMA+ Engineering worked with Heritage Canada, Petrolia Heritage, patrons and staff to come up with a workable solution. This includes an exterior addition that would house an elevator accessing all three floors and provide 10 new washrooms. Another addition would house an indoor lift for props and people. Currently, Victoria Playhouse uses a scissor lift to move props to the stage. Laurissa Ellsworth, director of marketing, arts and communications, said the new lift would provide “the ability for us to hire an artist in a wheelchair … because right now, we just can’t.”

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