Chicilon Media’s Elevator Screens Meet IoT Safety Standards
Vietnam’s Chicilon Media has announced that its 27-in. TV-screen elevator media devices in office buildings and apartments meet all Internet of Things (IoT) device safety standards without any security risks, VN Express reports. The elevator media devices are tested based on the IoT-security-assessment method developed by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP), and the results were verified by Viettel Cyber Security. The assessment includes the security level of the devices’ connectivity, the connection of the devices to websites or other administrative interfaces, any linked applications and information vulnerability. Chicilon Media’s elevator screens passed for all four standards: not having applications that transmit data to third parties, not taking or storing images of viewers, no information gaps and meeting all information security requirements. Chicilon Media currently has more than 36,000 advertising screens with advanced technology, occupying 92% of the elevator media market share in apartment buildings and offices in key cities. The company’s screen network also covers 14 airports and 41 supermarkets nationwide, reaching 40 million consumers daily.
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