Millennium Tower Parking Building Elevators Affected By Sliding

The 58-story Millennium Tower in downtown San Francisco; photo by Michaelgimbel for Wikipedia

At downtown San Francisco’s 58-story residential Millennium Tower, which has been the target of lawsuits over its sinking, tilting foundation, another problem has emerged — sliding — and it is affecting the elevator system that links the tower to a five-story parking structure, NBC Bay Area reports. Ron Hamburger, the engineer handling the building’s ongoing retrofit, told the source horizontal movement of the structure’s 10-ft-thick foundation mat, together with a westward tilt, has resulted in a 1-in. gap between Millennium Tower and the midrise structure. Hamburger does not anticipate the gap widening, which the source said is good news for the “problematic elevator” system linking the parking garage to the tower. In May 2019, elevator inspectors found that one of the two elevators there had a sill gap that exceeded the 1.25 in. specified by code, and, in September 2019, issued a stop-use order. In February, Millennium officials submitted a form to state elevator officials indicating the problem had been fixed by Mitsubishi Electric. Hamburger added that shoring up the building on the west and north sides promises to help “close the gap between the elevator thresholds” in the parking structure.

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