Otis Secures 29-Unit Modernization Contract in Sweden
Otis has secured a contract to modernize 29 escalators for A-Train AB, the operator of the Arlanda Express, which connects the Stockholm, Sweden, city center to Arlanda Airport. The project, starting...
TKE Unveils Glass Elevator at National Medal of Honor Museum in Texas
The Medal of Honor is the U.S. Armed Forces' highest military decoration, and the memory of the more than 3,500 heroes who received it will be forever remembered with the...
Nigeria State to No Longer Allow Three-Story Buildings Without Elevators
The Abia State government in Nigeria has warned developers that they will no longer get approval for three-story buildings that do not have an elevator, the Nigerian Tribune reports. Government officials said...
Delco D-MRL Elevator Provided for Upscale Miami Restaurant
Working with South Florida's Brouss Elevators Inc., Delco Elevator Products recently completed an elevator project at MaÃz y Agave luxury restaurant on Miami's Miracle Mile using Delco's D-MRL package. Delco...
Firefighters Brake Through Wall in India Rescue
Firefighters in Ahmedabad, India, searched for, identified and broke through a wall and cut through a metal sheet on Floor 3¾ of a building to rescue 10 women stuck in...
London Underground Lift Closure Rate Growing
The number of lift closures across the London Underground has soared by nearly 90% in a year, the Liberal Democrats have said, according to The Standard. The total time that...
Escalators in FOBs in India Remain Inoperable Due to Poor Maintenance
Foot overbridges (FOBs) in Gurugram, India, built to offer pedestrians a safe passage across the city’s congested roads, are suffering severe neglect, the Hindustan Times reports. The source recently performed spot-checks of...
NEII Provides Code Development Update
National Elevator Industry, Inc. (NEII) recently provided a code development update. NEII observed the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) works continually on ASME A17.1/CSA Safety Code for Elevators and...
TKE Secures Major PBB Service Contract With DXB
TK Elevator (TKE) announced on March 10 it secured a 10-year contract with Dubai International Airport (DXB) to service and maintain passenger boarding bridges (PBBs) and aircraft stand equipment serving...
Civic Center in Montana Closed for Elevator Repairs
The Civic Center in Great Falls, Montana, will be closed from March 10-April 21 for elevator repairs, The Electric reports. The elevator, installed in 1983, has been prone to frequent breakdowns and...