TELME Honors Workers During Safety Week Observance

TELME staff discuss safety during Safety Memorial Week. Managing Director MJ Mohamed Iqbal is at left at the head of the table.

Toshiba Elevator Middle East, LLC (TELME) held its annual Safety Memorial Week in August to stress the importance of jobsite safety and to remember, through silent prayer, those who have fallen victim to workplace accidents, whether working on a project or performing normal maintenance.

Safety Memorial Week is recognized by all global subsidiaries of Kawasaki, Japan-based Toshiba Elevator and Building System Corp. (TELC).

A major part of this observance is to look back at accidents, reviewing their causes, and to reinforce the importance of working safely. TELME conducted its Memorial Week activities at its head office in Dubai and at all project sites. All staff, both office and worksite, took a safety pledge.

Also during the observance, the Health and Safety Award, which is presented quarterly, was given to candidates who earned the honor. The purpose of this award is to motivate employees and increase their commitment to workplace safety. During the ceremony, TELME Managing Director MJ Mohamed Iqbal said that members of the workforce have a responsibility toward their families and thus should place prime importance on safety. He also said it is important to report near misses, which is a key tool for avoiding accidents. Safety personnel in attendance each gave a near-miss report. They were lauded for their contributions, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Three employees were awarded certificates and prizes for their commitment toward improving safety at TELME, and six others were recognized with consolation prizes.

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