Escalator and Dumbwaiter Chinese/European Standards Differences

by Jun Zhang, Ning Li, Youqin Xu, Xinfu Shen, Wei Chen, Xueming Chen, Yuan-dong Jiang and Junhua Shen

European escalator standard EN 115-1:2008 was promulgated in 2008. China’s escalator safety standard equivalency calls for adoption of it, but the standards are not exactly the same. For all practical purposes, the China Elevator Standardization Technical Committee has revised the European escalator standard EN 115-1:2008 specifically for China. China’s escalator safety standard has thus improved, approaching the quality of its international counterparts.

At present, China’s escalator safety standard is GB 16899-1997: Escalators and Passenger Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation. It equates to EN 115:1995. GB 16899-2011: Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Escalators and Moving Walks and was issued by the China General Administration of Quality, Inspection and Quarantine in July 2011. The transitional period ended in July 2012, when GB 16899-1997 was replaced by GB 16899-2011. The following are the main differences between GB 16899-2011 of China and EN 115-1:2008 of Europe.


The following items are to be deleted from the code:

  • 2.1: Content about stress analysis of the truss or an equivalent certificate by a stress analyst
  • 2.2: The preface of EN 115-1:2008
  • 2.3: Fire protection and building requirements that differ from country to country


EN 115-1:2008 specifies that the supporting structure shall be designed in a way that it can support the dead weight of the escalator or moving walk, plus a rated load of 5,000 N/m2. China’s escalator safety standard shall not be calculated in accordance with EN 1993-1-1, but GB 50017-2003 of China.

Suitable materials or a suitable lining under the deflector device are applied to achieve a coefficient of friction less than 0.45 for leather (wet and dry), PVC (dry) and rubber (dry). This coefficient in GB 16899-2011 shall have a small value, and the coefficient of friction has no specific requirements.

Electromagnetic compatibility shall comply with the requirements of EN 12015 and EN 12016, but GB/T 24807 and GB/T 24808 are advisable in GB 16899-2011.

The proof of sliding coefficients for skirting, anti-slip properties of tread surfaces and electromagnetic compatibility should be held by the manufacturer in EN 115-1:2008, but they are not essential in GB 16899-2011.

Extra Requirements (Beyond EN 115-1:2008)

The maximum deflection of the escalators or moving walks for public transportation shall not exceed 1/1000th of the distance between the supports in GB 16899-2011. This is not mentioned in EN 115-1:2008.

Static elements should be applied to escalators and moving walks in order to control the AC or DC motor and supply that motor with power in GB 16899-2011. This is not mentioned in EN 115-1:2008. Also, informative Annex H in EN 115-1:2008 changes to normative Annex H in GB 16899-2011.

Escalators and inclined moving walks for rises less than 6 m are equipped with auxiliary brake(s), which is advisable in EN 115-1:2008. Escalators or inclined moving walks for public transportation shall install auxiliary brake(s) for rises less than 6 m in GB 16899-2011. The rise is defined as the vertical distance between the upper and lower finished floor levels.

The load conditions and additional safety features of the escalators or moving walks for public transportation are agreed upon between the manufacturer and owner, which is advisable in EN 115-1:2008. The load conditions and additional safety features of the escalators or moving walks for public transportation should be agreed upon between the manufacturer and owner in GB 16899-2011.

Dumbwaiter Safety Standard Differences between GB 25194-2010 of China and EN 81-3:2000 of Europe

by Xueming Chen, Jun Zhang and Ning Li

European dumbwaiter standard EN 81-3:2000 was promulgated in 2000, and amended in 2008. Most countries adopt a European dumbwaiter standard. China’s dumbwaiter safety standard is GB25194-2010: Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Service Lifts. It is equivalent to the European standard EN 81-3:2000: Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Lifts – Part 3: Electric and Hydraulic Service Lifts. In order to improve the dumbwaiter safety standard in China, the China Elevator Standardization Technical Committee has revised the European dumbwaiter standard EN 81-3:2000 specifically for China. China’s dumbwaiter safety standard has thus improved, approaching the quality of its international counterparts.

GB 25194-2010: Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Service Lifts was issued by the China General Administration of Quality, Inspection and Quarantine on June 1, 2011. The transitional period ended on July 1, 2012. The following are the main differences between GB 25194-2010 of China and EN 81-3:2000 of Europe.


National foreword and Annex ZA in EN 81-3:2000 are deleted in GB 25194-2010 of China.


In EN 81-3:2000, the flexible hose shall be marked in an indelible manner with:

  • The name of the manufacturer or trademark
  • The test pressure
  • The date of the test

In GB 25194-2010, the mark of permissible bending radius shall be also shown on the surface of the flexible hose in an indelible manner, in addition to the above information.

In EN 81-3:2000, the connection shall be provided with an internal thread of either M 20 X 1.5, or G 1/2-in. In GB 25194-2010, the connection shall also be provided with an internal thread of M 14 X 1.5, in addition to M 20 X 1.5, or G 1/2-in. Furthermore (not required in EN 81-3:2000), a data plate shall be affixed to the buffer, indicating:

The name of the manufacturer of the buffer

The type examination sign and its references

Also, in GB 25194-2010 (not required in EN 81-3:2000), a data plate shall be affixed to the gear, indicating:

  • The name of the manufacturer of the gear
  • The type examination sign and its references
  • The same is true for a data plate that shall be fixed on the rupture valve and one-way restrictor, indicating:
  • The name of the manufacturer of the valve and one-way restrictor
  • The type examination sign and its references
  • The adjusted flow activated

Though most of EN 81-3:2000 is converted to the Chinese dumbwaiter safety standard, the standards remain different to some degree. The revisions and deletions mentioned here are in keeping with China’s specific national conditions.

Jun Zhang, Ning Li, Youqin Xu, Xinfu Shen, Wei Chen, Xueming Chen, Yuandong Jiang and Junhua Shen

Jun Zhang, Ning Li, Youqin Xu, Xinfu Shen, Wei Chen, Xueming Chen, Yuandong Jiang and Junhua Shen

Jun Zhang is dean of the Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection Institute of Jiangsu, China’s Suzhou branch. He is also a senior engineer studying elevator codes and standards.

Ning Li serves as deputy dean of the Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection Institute of Jiangsu, China’s Suzhou branch. He is also a senior research engineer and engaged in the field of elevator codes and standards.

Youqin Xu, Xinfu Shen and Wei Chen serve as deputy deans of the Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection Institute of Jiangsu, China’s Suzhou branch. They specialize in elevator technology.

Xueming Chen, Yuandong Jiang and Junhua Shen are engaged in elevator-inspection work at the Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection Institute of Jiangsu, China’s Suzhou branch.

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