Going Above and Beyond

Going Above and Beyond

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” the saying goes. While nothing was inherently “broken” about the elevator industry prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was among the first to rise to the challenge by developing products aimed at protecting the public. New solutions for elevators, escalators and moving walks implement touchless technology, AI and disinfection through various methods such as UV-C light, to name a few. But the pandemic isn’t the only innovation driver. Companies, particularly OEMs, continue to roll out an impressive array of products that enhance convenience, speed, sustainability, versatility and efficiency, regardless of the global situation. Bringing out such products to market is no small task. It involves carefully coordinating vast teams that include engineers, scientists and tech experts who draw inspiration from such places as the aerospace and automotive industries.

With innovation at the core of the elevator industry, ELEVATOR WORLD’s new Product of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of manufacturers whose products, brought to the vertical-transportation market between January 2020 and June 2021, are considered particularly noteworthy or innovative. The products represent advances in technology or application, innovative or improved design, price/performance improvements and potential for further development.

This special section contains detailed listings of the various products up for consideration. In the award’s inaugural year, we received 15 outstanding products to showcase to our readers. You have the opportunity to help choose this year’s winner by voting online from September 27-October 1 at elevatorworld.com/contests/product-of-the-year. An impartial panel of experienced industry experts/professionals will assist in judging the nominations. Their input and feedback will be combined with the online voting results to help determine a winner and two finalists, which will be featured in the Elevator World 2022 SOURCE Directory. The winner will receive a personalized trophy, and both the winner and two finalists will also receive framed certificates and digital decals to use in marketing.

Since 1953, Elevator World, Inc. has been the premier publisher for the global vertical transportation industry. It employs specialists in Mobile, Alabama, and has technical and news correspondents around the world.

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Elevator World Middle East - 4th Quarter 2021 Cover


Inspiration from the Shard, London

The A17.1 Centennial

The A17.1 Centennial

Computer-Aided Structural Analysis of the Lift Car-Frame System Under Emergency Arrest Operational Conditions

Computer-Aided Structural Analysis of the Lift Car-Frame System Under Emergency Arrest Operational Conditions

Taking the Pulse

Taking the Pulse

Soaring Views

Soaring Views

New Elevator Platforms

New Elevator Platforms

Let the Good Times Roll!

Let the Good Times Roll!


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Elevator World Middle East - 4th Quarter 2021 Cover