Otis Launches CompassPlus


The company touts its destination-management system as a fundamental change to the way people move through buildings.

In August, ELEVATOR WORLD had the opportunity to talk with Otis team members about the company’s latest product poised to hit the global marketplace this fall. CompassPlus™, a destination-management system Otis says “fundamentally changes the way people move through buildings,” was announced internally at the company in early August. The product builds on the company’s Compass™ destination-management system technology, which has been in place since 2003, its first installation being the then-newly constructed 7 World Trade Center building in New York City. CompassPlus is the latest in a string of recent major new product releases from Otis, including Skyrise Elevators, featured in some of the world’s tallest buildings, and the NCE escalator, the first escalator that offers green features as standard.

Research for the advancement of the original Compass product was conducted over months by talking with architects, consultants and existing Compass customers. Six months prior to the official internal August announcement of CompassPlus, Otis’ sales team began demonstrating and selling the new product. According to Product Manager North America Joseph Armas, feedback on the product has been very good, and three major North American projects currently under construction have already purchased CompassPlus – The Wilshire Grand in Los Angeles; LUMINA, also known as 201 Folsom St., in San Francisco; and the latest Amazon building in Seattle. The first running installation will likely be a modernization project scheduled for completion in mid 2014.

“In the last seven years, the industry has accepted [destination-dispatch] technology,” Armas said. “What makes CompassPlus unique is it brings back a level of personal service, like an elevator attendant could in the old days – greeting you, letting you know about the weather and restaurants nearby. Our Concierge and Create software allows for customized iPhone-like interfaces at different times of day that can be programmed by the building owners instead of by Otis – that is one thing we are really proud of.”

According to Regional Sales Manager-CompassPlus Mariah Martino, “The beauty of CompassPlus is watching the system in real time and how it adjusts to the needs of the passengers without the need of an engineer. This system came from the voices of our clients. They asked: ‘What else can we do?’ ‘What else do we need?’ ‘What else can we use?’ CompassPlus is the result of their questions.”

CompassPlus Overview

CompassPlus replaces the traditional up-and-down push-button elevator system with an array of customizable touch-capable fixtures in the elevator lobbies. A passenger enters his or her destination from the hallway, rather than from inside the elevator, using a keypad or touchscreen device; receives an elevator assignment, which is shown on the touchscreen; follows directions to the assigned elevator; and proceeds to his or her destination.

According to Armas, Otis’ patented SmartGrouping technology allows CompassPlus to group passengers by destinations and stops, getting them to their destinations up to 50% faster than conventional dispatching systems do. “The system allows dynamic zoning throughout the building. Our goal is to create express runs throughout the building as often as we can,” he explained. CompassPlus is also energy efficient, offering up to 27% energy savings compared to conventional elevator systems, Armas added. But, according to Martino, CompassPlus does much more than just revolutionize how people move through buildings – it also includes advanced software that enables an array of functions.

Compass Concierge and Compass Create

Included with CompassPlus is Compass Concierge, a software interface that creates a virtual environment to guide passengers throughout their journey. Concierge allows the fixture screen to have customizable services like welcome screens, popular building destination icons, express runs for VIP passengers and more.

It also integrates with third-party building security systems, and the fixtures host an integrated security card reader. The Compass Create software system enables building owners to customize the screens’ designs to match their building’s style and branding.

Flexible Design, Competitive Cost

Existing Compass customers will not have a difficult transition if they wish to upgrade to CompassPlus, said Martino.

“Our legacy systems are compatible with CompassPlus. Adding Compass Concierge or Compass Create can be done using existing fixtures or upgrading to new ones. We can adapt to the building’s needs; if the lobby has a certain aesthetic, various floors can have different looks. In five or 10 years, the building may change design or owners or tenants, and the software, features and fixtures can be adapted.”

Though CompassPlus offers flexible aesthetics, there is a standard available, according to Armas, and he says, “People are positive regarding the design.” There are standard signage and floor indicators but being able to offer options is a benefit to customers, said Armas.

All touchscreens have a mechanical Americans with Disabilities Act button as a standard feature. Upon pressing it, verbal commands are given, directing the potential passenger to the elevator to the left or right of him/her, and longer dwell time on the door is allowed.  The installation of CompassPlus can be done efficiently, and the cost of the system is competitive, said Martino. “And the more people get a chance to experience CompassPlus, the more successful it will be,” she said.

Elevator World Editor / VP of Editorial

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