Photo Contest 2018 Winners

The hoistway of Toronto’s CN Tower; photo by Hector Cambiasso and submitted by Anupa Simon

New category spurs more interest in competition’s sixth year.

ELEVATOR WORLD’s Sixth Annual Photo Contest broke records by receiving more than 250 photos from 22 countries. Another record, 3,765 online votes, weighed in to choose 32 winners of seven categories from 84 finalists. Different this year was that the elevator categories supplanted “Skylines & Tall Buildings” as the most popular category. A new category, “Who Reads EW?” proved to be a fun entry. EW appreciates those who participated by submitting photos or voting for them. Submissions are being accepted immediately for next year’s contest. Use the same link to share your photos with the elevator world and earn a chance to win US$250 cash or the equivalent in Elevator World, Inc. educational products or advertising, in addition to appearing in this space next year.

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